Can youi see many US CEOs doing this?

We have ceos like this.

we just make it harder for them to exsist by helping the dirbag ones who will do ANYTHING to get more money and power.

Lets reward the CEOs in our country who are like this instead of the dirtbags getting more and more tax cuts and hand outs.
There is nothing wrong with the word "coloreds" even black people are OK with being called "colored" and I can prove it

EVEN black people? Gosh! EVEN them.....who'da thought it. Mind you they (Black people) know how lucky they are that white people no longer drag them behind trucks. Right?
I can guarentee I know more about economics than you do. Proof. Minimum wage was just increased by the demalquedacrats. Unemployment among coloreds and young people is through the roof.


Minimum wage was increased 6 years ago. Demalquedacrats is not a particularly good insult, you shouldn't write that one down as a clever one to keep around.