APP - Canadian American Journalist Eva Bartlett


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In multiple threads I've been involved in, both on this site and elsewhere, there has been a litany of repetitive accusations that Eva Bartlett is a Kremlin puppet or things of this nature. I thought instead of repeatedly defending her with evidence in said various threads, it'd make more sense to make a single thread for it, and in a location where base insults aren't allowed. This worked relatively well in another online forum I used to post in before I was given a warning that to this day I strongly believe was politically motivated. If anyone would like to see how that thread went, it's here:
Canadian American Journalist Eva Bartlett |

Anyway, I'll start things off with a partial list of her accomplishments from an article she wrote in 2019, long before she moved to Russia.

I am an independent writer and rights activist with extensive experience in Syria and in the Gaza Strip, where I lived a cumulative three years (from late 2008 to June 2010, and back in 2011 off and on to March 2013).

In 2017, I was short-listed for the prestigious Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism. The award rightly was given to the amazing journalist, the late Robert Parry [see his work on Consortium News].

In March 2017, I was awarded “International Journalism Award for International Reporting” granted by the Mexican Journalists’ Press Club (founded in 1951). Co-recipients included: John Pilger and political analyst Thierry Meyssan.


Full article:
Eva Karen Bartlett Biography |

Next, I'll mention information from the Wikipedia article on her, which paints her in an unflattering light:

There's one paragraph in it that has been used extensively:
Since April 2022, Bartlett has been in Ukraine, reporting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine from a pro-Russian perspective, frequently featuring collaborations with Russian state-owned channel Russia Today.[31] Bartlett has been criticised for spreading Kremlin propaganda, and misinformation.[10] Bartlett regularly collaborates with RT propagandist Roman Kosarev, in her Donbas reports.[12]


With Wikipedia, it's always important to go to the source articles. In this case, the one I think deserves the most attention is the [10]. Bartlett has certainly been -accused- of "spreading Kremlin propaganda, and misinformation", but by who? If one follows the Wikipedia link, it goes to an article from NBC News. Quoting from said article:

ISD also named Eva Bartlett, a Canadian activist who previously pushed conspiracy theories alleging Syrian rescue workers known as the White Helmets were staging fake attacks during the Syrian civil war. Bartlett isn’t employed by RT, the Russian state-controlled news network, but she has written op-eds on RT’s website, makes videos with RT correspondents and shares archived versions of RT content to get around the platforms’ blocking of Russian state media. Facebook has labeled Bartlett’s posts with a disclaimer that she “may be partially or wholly under the editorial control of the Russian government.” Bartlett did not respond to a request for comment.


Quite the accusations. So who is this ISD that the NBC article points as the source of these allegations. Turns out, ISD stands for the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a London Based think tank:

Sounds all well and good, but the further you dig into this organization, the more red flags it brings up. They've got their fingers in a lot of pies, with strong links to the World Economic Forum:

The World Economic Forum, in turn, is perhaps most well known for a certain statement from its managing director:
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In multiple threads I've been involved in, both on this site and elsewhere, there has been a litany of repetitive accusations that Eva Bartlett is a Kremlin puppet or things of this nature. I thought instead of repeatedly defending her with evidence in said various threads, it'd make more sense to make a single thread for it, and in a location where base insults aren't allowed. This worked relatively well in another online forum I used to post in before I was given a warning that to this day I strongly believe was politically motivated. If anyone would like to see how that thread went, it's here:
Canadian American Journalist Eva Bartlett |

Anyway, I'll start things off with a partial list of her accomplishments from an article she wrote in 2019, long before she moved to Russia.

I am an independent writer and rights activist with extensive experience in Syria and in the Gaza Strip, where I lived a cumulative three years (from late 2008 to June 2010, and back in 2011 off and on to March 2013).

In 2017, I was short-listed for the prestigious Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism. The award rightly was given to the amazing journalist, the late Robert Parry [see his work on Consortium News].

In March 2017, I was awarded “International Journalism Award for International Reporting” granted by the Mexican Journalists’ Press Club (founded in 1951). Co-recipients included: John Pilger and political analyst Thierry Meyssan.


Full article:
Eva Karen Bartlett Biography |

Next, I'll mention information from the Wikipedia article on her, which paints her in an unflattering light:

There's one paragraph in it that has been used extensively:
Since April 2022, Bartlett has been in Ukraine, reporting on the Russian invasion of Ukraine from a pro-Russian perspective, frequently featuring collaborations with Russian state-owned channel Russia Today.[31] Bartlett has been criticised for spreading Kremlin propaganda, and misinformation.[10] Bartlett regularly collaborates with RT propagandist Roman Kosarev, in her Donbas reports.[12]


With Wikipedia, it's always important to go to the source articles. In this case, the one I think deserves the most attention is the [10]. Bartlett has certainly been -accused- of "spreading Kremlin propaganda, and misinformation", but by who? If one follows the Wikipedia link, it goes to an article from NBC News. Quoting from said article:

ISD also named Eva Bartlett, a Canadian activist who previously pushed conspiracy theories alleging Syrian rescue workers known as the White Helmets were staging fake attacks during the Syrian civil war. Bartlett isn’t employed by RT, the Russian state-controlled news network, but she has written op-eds on RT’s website, makes videos with RT correspondents and shares archived versions of RT content to get around the platforms’ blocking of Russian state media. Facebook has labeled Bartlett’s posts with a disclaimer that she “may be partially or wholly under the editorial control of the Russian government.” Bartlett did not respond to a request for comment.


Quite the accusations. So who is this ISD that the NBC article points as the source of these allegations. Turns out, ISD stands for the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a London Based think tank:

Sounds all well and good, but the further you dig into this organization, the more red flags it brings up. They've got their fingers in a lot of pies, with strong links to the World Economic Forum:

The World Economic Forum, in turn, is perhaps most well known for a certain statement from its managing director:

Wow, I made a real effort to read all that stuff because I’m interested in knowing the truth behind the origin and execution of the war.
But I can only make so much of an effort.
That is some confusing and convoluted information!
I’ll repeat what you no doubt already read in another thread:

Fact is neither of us can know the reality of the situation in eastern Ukraine unless we lived there for 10, 15 or more years.
I have no doubt there are/were Russian speakers there that wanted to live in a democracy.
Hell there’s Russians in Russia that want that, especially the younger ones.

If Russia had free elections there’s zero chance Putin would be the president today, much less for life.
Even China has a system where they can change their leader. Russia is more authoritarian now than iduring the Soviet Union.
They’ve never had truly free elections since Putin took over.
Imagine trump, or anybody else being president for life with total control of the press. You know if he could arrange that he’d take it.
What percent of Americans would be for that over the long run?
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Wow, I made a real effort to read all that stuff because I’m interested in knowing the truth behind the origin and execution of the war.
But I can only make so much of an effort.

Fair enough.

That is some confusing and convoluted information!

What part do you find confusing?

I’ll repeat what you no doubt already read in another thread:

Fact is neither of us can know the reality of the situation in eastern Ukraine unless we lived there for 10, 15 or more years.

I don't believe that's true. I -do- believe that one has to spend a significant amount of time researching the truth however. I fully admit that when Russia first started its military operation, I didn't know what to think. I remedied that by doing a lot of reading and seeing a few documentaries on Ukraine as well. Also, a lot of debating on forums. Debating on forums keeps me sharp, and gets me looking for the information I need to make sure I'm not missing important things.

I have no doubt there are/were Russian speakers there that wanted to live in a democracy.
Hell there’s Russians in Russia that want that, especially the younger ones.

I imagine you know there were referendums in the eastern Ukrainian regions where they were asked if they'd like to join Russia, and Russia claims that all the regions voted to join Russia. Now, you can certainly doubt the results, but I think that by the same token, we should atleast consider the possibility that the results are real. I think the results in Donetsk and Lugansk were foregone conclusions. They've been getting bombarded and killed by the Ukrainian army for the past 8 years, stands to reason they'd want to be part of a country that can protect them from this. The other regions didn't have quite as high a percentage that voted to join Russia, but still pretty high. As far as I know, the only international observers of the election were in Donetsk.

If Russia had free elections there’s zero chance Putin would be the president today, much less for life.

Do you have evidence that the last Russian elections weren't free?

Even China has a system where they can change their leader.

So does Russia, elections.

Russia is more authoritarian now than iduring the Soviet Union.

Do you have evidence to support your claim?

They’ve never had truly free elections since Putin took over.

Again, do you have evidence for this claim?

Imagine trump, or anybody else being president for life with total control of the press. You know if he could arrange that he’d take it.
What percent of Americans would be for that over the long run?

I have never liked Trump. I can easily imagine that if there weren't other institutions that could restrain Trump, things would have been worse. That doesn't mean that I think that all the decisions he made were bad, and I can believe that the recent elections had rigged elements, but that doesn't change my view of Trump.
There's more.

Syrian civil war viral disinformation video

In late 2016, Bartlett gained controversy over a video that went viral, in which she said that Syrians "overwhelmingly support" Bashar al-Assad, as evidenced by the results of the 2014 election.[17][18] The election was seen as illegitimate by a number of countries and international organizations,[19][20][21] while Russia has endorsed Assad's mandate.

In your last post in this thread, you said that we couldn't know the situation in Ukraine unless we had lived there 10 years or more. While I didn't think that was necessary, I -did- believe that a lot of reading was required, with perhaps a few documentaries as well. I think the same logic should apply to Syria. In all honesty, I haven't studied what happened in Syria nearly as much as I have studied what's been happening in Ukraine, but from what I read, I came to the conclusion that Eva Bartlett's assessment was generally right.

Further, she has characterized the White Helmets as being part of a Western propaganda campaign, alleging that rescues by that organization are hoaxes whereby they "recycle" the same children in footage of staged rescues,[17][18][22] and that "no one in eastern Aleppo has heard of [the White Helmets]".[17]

I've done a bit of research on this and I believe she's essentially right here as well.

In the same video, Bartlett falsely claimed that the al-Quds Hospital bombing in April 2016, where 55 died, never occurred, saying it was rebel propaganda.[5][23]

I took a look at those 2 links. The second one is just a few sentences long, so clearly not anything noteworthy evidence wise. The first is a Snopes article that has the hospital story as one of the main points. I haven't been able to find Eva Bartlett claiming that this hospital wasn't bombed, possibly because all the youtube videos that the Snopes article references have been taken down. Here's some things I know Eva Bartlett has said, as it's still up on RT's website:

Militant-linked propaganda operation
The Western-funded White Helmets describe themselves as volunteer rescuers, and claim to have “saved more than 100,000 lives.” To prove – or rather, propagandize – their heroism, the group uses professionally-produced videos and social media content about their operations.

Western corporate media has been unblinkingly regurgitating their claims and content, while at the same time smearing journalists who actually went to Syria and interviewed civilians on the White Helmets. From far outside of Syria, it has instead been whitewashing the controversial, militant-linked group.

The White Helmets are not just propaganda, though. I wrote previously about their ties to terrorist and extremist groups. They have been filmed [youtube link in original] alongside terrorists. They were seen at scenes of executions, standing over dead Syrian soldiers, and reportedly cleaning up after an execution in Daraa Governorate.

Journalists have taken testimonies [youtube link in original] of civilians who had lived under the rule of terrorists, who spoke of how the White Helmets worked alongside terrorists, numbered among them, and denied medical treatment [youtube link in original] to the people they were supposedly saving.


Even as a White Helmets boss admits ‘former’ militant links, Canadian national media talks ‘Russian disinfo’ | RT