Canadian Media Spews Sick And Pathetic Lies For muslims

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
First off, even the title of the included article lies (I'm confident you can find many articles recently released in Canada about this story to compare)

"VIDEO: Quebec man hurls racist comments at Muslim woman and her three-year-old daughter "

First of all islam is not a racial variation of human, it's just different variations of human stooping to follow a factually proven foundation of filthy religious lies which proves this has not anything to do with racism because racism targets a specific racial variation of human of which islam is not a racial variation of human, just different racial variations of human that have degraded themselves to following a religious crock. When being muslim is focused as a part of the equation where phony allegations of racism is involved, now you know why it is not even possible that racism is in any way shape or form a part of the equation. Nor does islam describe the human race of which I am human and would never stoop to being religious because unlike the religious, I happen to value human life way more than I value factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies which have already lead to thousands of years of war and divide and to the death of millions if not billions of people to this very day.

It's not Quebec's bill 21 that inspired this as thousands of years already proves that following of filthy religious lies leads to war and divide which is long before these false allegations let alone even long before the religion of spite came to be approximately 1400 years ago. It's not Quebec's bill 21 that inspired this, it's the fact that religion leads to war and divide, it the facts that islam deems violent hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable, it's the fact that every single muslim is loyal to islam (every single one or they quite obviously would not stoop to being muslim) and the fact that these violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere around the world that muslim populations begin to rise in modern day. Supporting religion is supporting the largest hate crime against humanity that has unfortunately existed for thousands of years because the selfish and the greedy use such lies to take advantage of those from a time of weakness for power and control over the many.

You don't deserve sympathy for being stupid enough to be religious after thousands of years of war and divide leading to the death if millions if not billions of people to this very day over factually proven foundations of filthy religious lies. You obviously deserve a dunce cap to say the least if anything. If you choose to live with your head up your rump with a bulls eye you yourself paint on your own derriere and a kick me sign you placed there like every single religious person on the planet does, then you are quite obviously asked for it dummy therefor do not deserve sympathy for being that stupid, selfish, ignorant, delusional and greedy. Don't come o me blubbering hate crime when you are the one supporting the largest hate crime against humanity spanning over thousands of years. What you get from me is my inner strength, wisdom, intellect, will and fortitude to wake you up to throw religion in the garbage where all religion belongs thus breaking your chains from slavery thus releasing all from the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy.

I feel bad for the little 3 year old here and primarily for 2 reasons. One, it is highly inappropriate as a 3 year old to be asked if one can have sex with their mother, or to hear that their mother is a slut. Two, the kid is forced into mentally redundant, sick any filthy religious lies from birth the poor innocent thing already being shamefully transformed into a religious sock puppet.

The government lies, the media lies and instead of these sickos being fired or in prison for it, the tax payers are made to fund the propagation of such obvious and pathetic lies while violent hate crimes deemed acceptable in islam against non muslims in Canada get's hidden from the main stream media while Canadians are slandered with sick and filthy lies to try and hide these sickos and their violent hate crimes against non muslims deemed acceptable in islam which is quite obviously what the problem is while they try and pass off being infuriated with such sick behavior is in any way shape or form a phobia, or hate or even what the problem is to try and hide that these sickos do not even have so much as a shred of validity what so ever when it comes to the foundation of this issue.

Another lie told in this article is that there is any such thing as an islamaphobe when factual evidence easily proves that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe anywhere on the entirety of this planet as I already mentioned those facts right here but will go through them once again for your clarity in understanding of how these facts prove beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe anywhere on Earth.

(For all I know this muslm woman is a slut, but still inappropriate to put on such a display for a child but minuscules in comparison to muslim grooming gangs grooming and raping children as deemed acceptable in islam happening in modern day in several countries around the world where muslim populations begin to rise while the media is always imposed upon to hide these sick actions from the public while criminalizing citizens for being against such outrageous and sick behavior deemed acceptable in some filthy religion and carried out by it's sickly followers. Then muslims act as if their being loyal to such sick behavior is in any way shape or form acceptable and is of no reason for everyone else to be furious with such a sick, filthy and disgusting following let alone further have the nerve to even more so infuriate the public by blubbering for sympathy while slandering citizens with such obvious, sick, offensive and pathetic lies as racist and islamphobe. What a dumb bunch of sick imbeciles. Sometimes I wonder if all of the religious people on this planet combined have two brain cells to rub together as it obviously doesn't take much for brains to be a stupid religious sock puppet.)

There is no such thing as an islamaphobe, islamaphobe is a lie used by intellectual cowards who have not even so much as a shred of validity (why they lie) to try and abuse the public like stupid oppressed idiots.

1. Every single muslim on the planet is loyal to islam.

2. Islam deems violent hate crimes against non muslims as acceptable.

3. These violent hate crimes against non muslims escalate everywhere muslim populations begin to rise in modern day.

I never once claimed that all muslims physically commit the violence.

Now look at this Trojan horse "islam" where all muslims play their part

The muslims who do not actually commit the violent hate crimes against non muslims are the horse itself and inside the horse are those who commit the violent hate crimes against non muslims. You got to see it as a whole and how it is being used to understand what is really going on here. Again all muslims are loyal to islam so you think long and hard about that.

Even though this is what happens everywhere around the world where muslim populations begin to rise, traitors like such as elected and appointed officials are ignoring this fact deliberately and instead of having concern for the well being and safety of Canadian citizens, they tell Canadian citizens in their own deceptive way that there is no just cause for concern here as they force the muslim invasion with even open borders while having the nerve to lie to Canadians by telling Canadians you have a phobia, an irrational fear of being slaughtered for not being a muslim even though this is what happens to non muslims everywhere around the world where muslim populations begin to rise in modern day. A rational and genuine concern is not an irrational fear thus is the very factual evidence proving beyond any shadow of doubt that there is no such thing as an islamaphobe anywhere on Earth.

Religion is the scum of the Earth and everyone's enemy. It's time to criminalize the Trojan horse called "freedom of religion" permanently for the well being and sanity of current and future generations thus we can finally start believing in ourselves and one another with such sick and filthy lies out of the way thus no longer dividing us as such sick and filthy foundations of religious lies have already been doing to us for thousands of years, long before islam even got here.

The non contestable factual evidence proving that there is no such thing as a god or what muslims call allah (the very foundation of some religions) is as follows in a nut shell and keep in mind proof that religious claim that the lie allah or the lie god is intelligent is that they are all foolish enough to worship or pray to a factually proven lie thus is them acknowledging they claim that factually proven lie is intelligent to be able to understand prayer or worship. The factual evidence quoted in a nut shell:

"Nothingness is the absence of energy and matter hence there is nothing. Energy and matter are both physical. If someone tells you that there is anything that exists beyond the physical realm, they are lying because the fact remains that without the physical there is nothing. Not anything can go poof into existence out of nothingness, let alone develop an intelligence out of nothing, let alone be able to create with nothing because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that not anything with intelligence could ever be the creator of everything aka no such thing as a god / allah ever existed."

All anyone obviously needs to do to prove what I share is not fact at all is simply share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness. We do no even have to get to the develop intelligence out of nothingness part because not anyone will ever share one factual example of anything going poof into existence out of nothingness and I know this because the fact always remains that it takes energy matter and time to re create energy and matter.

As long as religion exists there will always be war and divide because that is where the following and spreading of lies leads as thousands of years already proves. Those who encourage religion obviously do not want anything to do with peace, they want to keep the masses dumb and gullible because it assures war and divide.

That same factual evidence proves that the big bang theory as proof of origin is falsified, again look for my 4 minute 9 second video on youtube or bitchute about physicists lying.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada