APP - Cant afford health insurance? That's a $25,000 fine and a year in jail.

Again, you use a logical fallacy here in saying that this applies to people who "can't afford health insurance". No one will be unable to afford health insurance under the final Obama plan. Those that can but refuse are obviously getting a fine.

It's not a mandatory minimum. No judge would fine that harshly unless it was just a very rich person who could clearly afford it.

And which bill is this in again?
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Again, you use a logical fallacy here in saying that this applies to people who "can't afford health insurance". No one will be unable to afford health insurance under this bill. Those that can but refuse are obviously getting a fine.

It's not a mandatory minimum. No judge would fine that harshly unless it was just a very rich person who could clearly afford it.

And which bill is this in again?
Under "this bill" then you go on and ask "which bill"... What a goon.
try to follow watertard's logic.

He thinks there are people who are "rich" that don't buy health insurance.

the group we are concerned about are the marginally unpoor. Those persons just barely above poverty level who end up with less income than the ghetto trash that recieve tax payer aid.

Many young people working their first jobs and living on their own will not be able to magically find money to dump into insurance while they're too healthy and too poor to miss work being ill.

Seems watermark is yet to be weened from his mommy's teat and can't understand what paying bills is really like.
Many young people working their first jobs and living on their own will not be able to magically find money to dump into insurance while they're too healthy and too poor to miss work being ill.

And that's why they have the subsidies. I doubt many young people are making 60k a year. And if they are, they can afford health insurance.
And that's why they have the subsidies. I doubt many young people are making 60k a year. And if they are, they can afford health insurance.

do some reasearch and tell us what the income cut-off amount is. I bet you'll be shocked how little one can make and not be considered poor.
But we MUST HAVE HEALTHCARE REFORM. Brainwash victims agree.

NO bill is better than this totalitarian crap.

Obama, Change that will destroy you.