Can't post again until Cypress posts 22 times

The Eternal Flyspeck of Inanity Personified's director? Wow.

Read the tagline, it might start to make sense after a while.

And you lose 2 trillion coolpoints for insulting The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotted Mind, in all it's brilliance and glory. Go watch Spiderman 3 and leave tasteful folk alone.
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Read the tagline, it might start to make sense after a while.

And you lose 2 trillion coolpoints for insulting The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotted Mind, in all it's brilliance and glory. Go watch Spiderman 3 and leave intelligent folk alone.

Phuck you for dissing Spiderman.
Read the tagline, it might start to make sense after a while.

And you lose 2 trillion coolpoints for insulting The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotted Mind, in all it's brilliance and glory. Go watch Spiderman 3 and leave intelligent folk alone.

If only you were Darla and looked up...huh?