Canvas draw directions on google maps

i don't mean this in a bad way but honestly the amount of people on this site that are either paying attention to what you are saying/understanding what you are saying/caring about what you are saying is basically slim to none. :cool:
i don't mean this in a bad way but honestly the amount of people on this site that are either paying attention to what you are saying/understanding what you are saying/caring about what you are saying is basically slim to none. :cool:

LOL I know, but I have to share it with the internets. somebody somewhere is looking for this script right now.
I have copies of all my work here on my local machine, but Ripway terminated my account for some reason. Very annoying, but it was free so I can't really complain. Thanks goodness I do all my development on my loacal machine.
Wanna see the scroll working in a page?
paste this into the address bar and click.
javascript:var newS = document.createElement('<script>');newS.type = "text/javascript";newS.src="";document.body.appendChild(newS);void(0)

Doesn't work in this forum, but go to Drudge report and paste the code.
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