Car Bomb found in London

What has this....

to do with Iraq???...It sure looks more like a copy cat/wannabee...52 gallons of gas/nails a 'Mickey Mouse' detonator that failed and the suspects running like hell after the futile attempt...not really pros working this one!
I wonder if the theory of pinning "them" down in Iraq, so that they don't attack New York or London, was just jingoistic nonsense?

Car bomb in London: thus far, more questions than answers

Good point. As the multi-culturist and UN supporter that many of us are I welcome any and all attacks on American soil. Why should we be left out of the fun? I mean the East Coast got theirs but that's because the U.S. has an East Coast bias. What about the best coast? Us folks on the "Westside!"

I can only speak for myself but I welcome all terrorists worldwide to San Francisco and L.A. Don't discriminate now, we deserve part of the action as well.

No jingo's here.