Car companies stand to make billions by charging you monthly fees for add-on features


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I'm pretty sure there will be push back on this?!! I would not pay these monthly fee's for add-on features?!!

How would you feel about paying $5 each month for the ability to lock and unlock your car from a distance through an app? What about a $25-per-month charge for advanced cruise control or $10 to access heated seats? What if those charges continued long after your car was paid off?

As vehicles become increasingly connected to the internet, car companies aim to rake in billions by having customers pay monthly or annual subscriptions to access certain features. Not content with the relatively low-margin business of building and selling cars, automakers are eager to pull down Silicon Valley-style profits. But unlike with Netflix, you won't be able to use your ex-girlfriend's uncle's login in your new BMW.

For automakers, the advantage of this model is clear. Not only do they get a stream of recurring revenue for years after an initial purchase, they can hope to maintain a longer-term relationship with the customer and build brand loyalty, said Kristin Kolodge, an analyst at JD Power.

This approach can also allow carmakers to streamline manufacturing by building cars to more uniform specifications, Mark Wakefield, who runs the automotive and industrial practice at the consulting firm AlixPartners, told Insider. Down the line, owners can add on the features they want à la carte.

Gosh. $5 a month for the life of the car or $25 for an after market device that will do the same thing for the life of the car. It would end up being a huge market for a lot of businesses other than the car companies. Plus it would piss off the majority of car buyers. Why should I pay monthly for something that is built into the car and I already paid for?

This won't last long if they try it as pissed off customers will demand action by government that will quickly hold hearings. John Deere found out when trying to restrict who could repair their equipment and they don't have nearly the customer base of car companies. The right to repair will become the right to use the vehicle I bought.
I suspect Cartoon Ken objects to anyone anywhere making a profit anytime, no matter who, no matter what.
Nope, nope and nope. I refuse. They’ll find enough people to pay for the bells and whistles but I ain’t contributing if I can help it. There’s a reason the newest of our 4 vehicles is a 2012 model. My favorite one to drive is the ‘04 Tahoe.
Nope, nope and nope. I refuse. They’ll find enough people to pay for the bells and whistles but I ain’t contributing if I can help it. There’s a reason the newest of our 4 vehicles is a 2012 model. My favorite one to drive is the ‘04 Tahoe.

We have an 04 and a 09, and are in no hurry to buy new. A year or so ago we put about $5k into them to keep them going.
Nope, nope and nope. I refuse. They’ll find enough people to pay for the bells and whistles but I ain’t contributing if I can help it. There’s a reason the newest of our 4 vehicles is a 2012 model. My favorite one to drive is the ‘04 Tahoe.

I suspect it won't be long before another taxpayer-funded "Cash for Clunkers" (this one mandated either directly or indirectly) forces you into buying EVs packed with Peter "Puffer" Buttigieg's tracking and control devices.
I suspect it won't be long before another taxpayer-funded "Cash for Clunkers" (this one mandated either directly or indirectly) forces you into buying EVs packed with Peter "Puffer" Buttigieg's tracking and control devices.

With the way prices are going up many will not be able to buy cars anymore, which is exactly what the Revolution wants, they hate hate hate privately owned cars/trucks.
With the way prices are going up many will not be able to buy cars anymore, which is exactly what the Revolution wants, they hate hate hate privately owned cars/trucks.

I suspect that you're correct.

By forcing people into government-controlled mass transit, they'll be able to deny anyone the freedom to move easily by changing their contrasts of carriage.

They're already doing it with airlines, which the government doesn't even own but controls though subsidies, regulations, and tax policies.
I suspect that you're correct.

By forcing people into government-controlled mass transit, they'll be able to deny anyone the freedom to move easily by changing their contrasts of carriage.

They're already doing it with airlines, which the government doesn't even own but controls though subsidies, regulations, and tax policies.

I think a part of it is actively hurting rural people some more, people who currently have no option other than to own vehicles, the WOKE get off on that.
I think a part of it is actively hurting rural people some more, people who currently have no option other than to own vehicles, the WOKE get off on that.

I'm sure they have thought of that.

Thy're already advocating for higher axes on gas and diesel fuel, and Peter "Puffer" floated a plan to charge a surtax to penalize Americans who drive long distances, which is what many rural commuters have to do.

If farmers have to sell out and move to urban areas just to live, guess who's buying up all the farmland he can get his hands on?

I'm sure they have thought of that.

Thy're already advocating for higher axes on gas and diesel fuel, and Peter "Puffer" floated a plan to charge a surtax to penalize Americans who drive long distances, which is what many rural commuters have to do.

If farmers have to sell out and move to urban areas just to live, guess who's buying up all the farmland he can get his hands on?


It will be interesting to see if the calculous changes as the big coastal cities become increasingly dystopian.....I am hearing already about lefty city folks who can work from home jumping over the suburbs and going full rural....not sure if this is going to be a big thing or not. The collapse of the cities might be the best pick me up Rural has had in a long time, it would force the D's to care about rural people again maybe.
I am hearing already about lefty city folks who can work from home jumping over the suburbs and going full rural....not sure if this is going to be a big thing or not.

They can afford to have things they need delivered in government-approved EVs. Poor folks? Not so much.