Car fumes stunt child lung growth


Villified User
Car fumes stunt child lung growth
Traffic fumes
Exhaust fumes contain toxins
Living too close to a busy road could stunt a child's lung development, US research suggests.

Children who lived within 500 metres of a major road, such as a motorway, were shown to have lung impairment in tests.

Many children live and go to schools near to busy roads and could be at risk, the University of Southern California authors warn in The Lancet.

Experts already know that toxic traffic fumes can trigger lung conditions such as asthma.

Stunted development

But the latest work suggests pollution can stop the lung from growing to its full potential - even in children who are otherwise healthy.

As background air quality did not alter the picture, children living in the countryside but close to a main road would also be at risk, the researchers add.

Children living close to big roads in cities with high levels of background air pollution were likely to be at a greater risk of lung problems however because of the double effect on their lungs, they suggest.

The study

They examined the lung function of 3,677 children annually from the age of 10 until they reached 18 - when the lungs are fully developed.

Those who had lived within 500 metres of a motorway had much poorer lung function at the age of 18 than those who had lived 1,500 meters away or more, even when factors such as smoking in the home were taken into account.

Dr John Peters and colleagues say fumes from cars, bikes and lorries are to blame.

They recommend more work to identify the exact culprits in vehicle exhausts.

This report will be disturbing reading for many parents
Liberal democrat shadow health secretary Norman Lamb MP

Scientists do not know exactly how air pollution hampers lung development, but they believe lung inflammation in response to daily irritation by air pollutants may play a role.

Stephen Holgate, Medical Research Council clinical professor of immunopharmacology at the University of Southampton, said: "The finding builds on accumulating knowledge that the chemicals that are contained in the exhaust emissions of modern vehicles adversely effects the development of the lung through childhood.

"This is probably through their powerful oxidant effect on lung development in the first five to eight years of life."

Oxidative stress is caused by the toxic effect of highly reactive oxygen molecules, called free radicals, which damage cells and DNA.

Liberal Democrat health spokesman Norman Lamb said the work reinforced the case for reducing vehicle emissions.

"This report will be disturbing reading for many parents.

"As road usage continues to increase, this issue will have to be taken seriously."

A government spokeswoman said they would consider the evidence and whether further investigations were needed.
So is the move to ban smoking in cars with children in them to help offset this problem ? Perhaps children should be banned from cars ?
Round and around it goes and where does it stop ?
This wouldn't matter at all if they are in a car specifically. Air pollution is everywhere around you if you live in an area that has high traffic regardless of who is in the car and what they may be doing.
This wouldn't matter at all if they are in a car specifically. Air pollution is everywhere around you if you live in an area that has high traffic regardless of who is in the car and what they may be doing.

Right, so children must be banned from all high traffic areas.
We can't have them getting stunted lungs now can we ?
I guess this means that country children grow up to be healthier than city kids due to the lower levels of auto fumes in the country.
I guess taking your children to the "supersize me" drive thru is a big double whammy, bad food and bad air. But no smoking of cigarettes near them...
My point is will WE make any HARD choices to protect OUR children, or just expect others to have to make choices ?
My point is will WE make any HARD choices to protect OUR children, or just expect others to have to make choices ?
Hey, those city folk don't want to live where I do. There is no 7 Eleven next door...

I guess they figure smaller lungs is a small price to pay for convenience.
I definitely find the report credible. Especially given the fact that asthma is on the rise in young children.
Hey, those city folk don't want to live where I do. There is no 7 Eleven next door...

I guess they figure smaller lungs is a small price to pay for convenience.

or other routes, electric and low polloution transportation alternatives. And hauling the children less places in the car. But then that would diminish the god of the auto in our autoerotic society.
I think research like this should prompt higher emissions standards. I'm pretty anti tax right about now, but if our cars are stunting childrens growth, we need to take the steps to counter this.
Good for you ladyT, now would you voluntarailly curtail some of your driving to give the children cleaner air to breathe ?
How far will we go without being prodded by high gas prices and such ?
Does this mean that children growing up in urban areas will have stunted lungs ?

don't move to the country though, we have really smokey tractors and flatulent cows.

Perhaps Cigarette smoke only causes cancer when combined with auto exhaust ? Who knows for sure ?
BTW - I just watched a story about research about kids who live close to the highway had lung function problems... The research was done in California, and was reported on my regular local news...

There also was an unrelated story about Caffeine and Pregnancy, they found that there was no significant differences between length of pregnancy or weight of birth between women who drank coffee and those who didn't. The women who drank caffeinated coffee drank 3 or more cups a day...