Care, Immie! Urgent!!!


Worst gambler ever
Hey, can you guys get in another fight please? Hey Care, remember when Immie said he was positive that you were Desh?

Immie, remember when Care got livid that you voted for W in '04? You gonna take that? Man, I don't think I could take that.
Why do you need us to fight?

If you want to read someone fighting let me suggest any recent thread in that has both Dixie and Maineman participating. Lots to read there.

Although maybe their battles don't compare to me and Care?

I will guarantee that they don't stimulate me as much, but hey, that's just me.

But, let me think, maybe I can think of something... maybe if I tell her that I have decided to re-register as a Republican and will vote straight Republican for the rest of my life?

no fights with us anymore beefy, we are like an old couple of fuddy dudds that have settled in, now.....
there's more :clink: 's now than :321: 's....

Immanuel said:
Why do you need us to fight?

If you want to read someone fighting let me suggest any recent thread in that has both Dixie and Maineman participating. Lots to read there.

Although maybe their battles don't compare to me and Care?

I will guarantee that they don't stimulate me as much, but hey, that's just me.

But, let me think, maybe I can think of something... maybe if I tell her that I have decided to re-register as a Republican and will vote straight Republican for the rest of my life?


Come on. The Dixie/Maineman shit got tired in the late summer of '04.

You and care, that was a good fight. It topped the Damocles/Cypress fight of '05.

You're a rank and file Republican, and John Kerry is the Anti-Christ. Run with it buddy!
Immanuel starts all the fights around here.

He is a double-bladed sword. He talks of Grace, but then says anyone who believes differently than him is not a Christian, and a tool of the Devil. Even more ironically, he judges those who believe the SAME AS HE ONCE BELIEVED. JUST LIKE THE PHARASEES, EH?

First remove the log from your own eye, Immie.
Brent said:
Immanuel starts all the fights around here.

He is a double-bladed sword. He talks of Grace, but then says anyone who believes differently than him is not a Christian, and a tool of the Devil. Even more ironically, he judges those who believe the SAME AS HE ONCE BELIEVED. JUST LIKE THE PHARASEES, EH?

First remove the log from your own eye, Immie.

If I had to guess by the posts made, I would say Immie is far more attuned to the teachings of Jesus than you. I mean, I like you bdw and all, but you sure make a lousy Christian. What Immie writes wouldn't make Jesus roll over in his tomb. What you write would.
I'll consider what you've said, Beefy, if for no other reason than you've said it in a constructive manner, much unlike Immanuel's cruel demeanor. I promise to pray about it. Fair enough?
I have seen those kinds of promises in his posts before. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for changes if I were you.

Brent said:
I'll consider what you've said, Beefy, if for no other reason than you've said it in a constructive manner, much unlike Immanuel's cruel demeanor. I promise to pray about it. Fair enough?

Well, don't do it because I mentioned it, but just be aware of you faults. Your ego is creeping in as well, you are starting to perceive any dissent as a personal attack. For a while, I'd suggest that you simply be objective and unprejudiced towards any opinion. Open up you head a bit man. It will do you some damned well good. And take Immie off your ignore list. He's only on it because of your ego. Recognize that.
Beefy said:
Well, don't do it because I mentioned it, but just be aware of you faults. Your ego is creeping in as well, you are starting to perceive any dissent as a personal attack. For a while, I'd suggest that you simply be objective and unprejudiced towards any opinion. Open up you head a bit man. It will do you some damned well good. And take Immie off your ignore list. He's only on it because of your ego. Recognize that.

He is angry. When he is angry, and I read his comments, I become angry to the point that it is a sin. It completely consumes me. Immanuel + Brent = Explosion. So, for the time being, I think it is in our best interest that he remain on my ignore list.
Brent said:
He is angry. When he is angry, and I read his comments, I become angry to the point that it is a sin. It completely consumes me. Immanuel + Brent = Explosion. So, for the time being, I think it is in our best interest that he remain on my ignore list.

I'm angry?

Could have fooled me. I really wasn't at all. He sometimes just gets to me. His attitude sometimes makes me wonder if I really want to be associated with people like that. It is why I can no longer be a Republican. Because the Religious Right bigots have taken control of the Republican Party and I don't want to be associated with them.

They don't care about others. They condemn other people for sins that they themselves commit.

No, Brent, I was not angry at you. But, I was trying to show you how I was seeing you at the moment and have been seeing you a lot lately. I never said I was better than you nor that I was a perfect Christian. Far be it. But, I do believe that you are hurting the cause of Christ both here and I can only imagine in your personal life.
