APP - Carlos Danger

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
As I think about what Comey did yesterday, it makes me wonder about ole Anthony Weiner. Despite what Joe "Handsy" Biden said today, Weiner was an up and comer in the democrat party. He and Huma were going to be the next power couple. He was the snarky attack dog the democrat party would send out on the network shows to rile up the base. And to be honest, he was pretty good at it. Word was he was being groomed for Mayor of New York and then obviously on to bigger and better things. Probably a Senate run and at some point a White House run all with Huma by his side. It would have been the muslime brotherhoods dream to have someone that close to the seat of power. But, unfortunately his moral failings were his downfall. The democrat party was going to stand by him until it was no longer feasible to do so.

Now that we learn that there is potential classified information from Crooked ILLary's private server it brings up some interesting scenarios. Old Carlos Danger is accused of sending illicit texts to a 15 year old girl (democrat family values in action). Everyone knows that sex offenders do not do well in prison especially someone as delicate as Anthony Weiner.

You have to know that he knows some serious dirt on the Clintons. Serious dirt. Is it possible that he gives them up in order to save himself? Why not? He is persona non grata in the democrat party. There is nobody more dangerous than a man with nothing to lose. And right now what does Anthony Weiner have to lose?

I still maintain that it will be Huma that takes the fall when this all shakes out. That would be the biggest cut of all for Crooked ILLary as for the last decade or more there has been nobody closer to Crooked ILLary than Huma. In fact there are rumors that they have a closer relationship than mere workmates if you know what I mean.
So if weiner hacked Huma who else did and who hacked him ? OF course if hrc had used legal state Dept email none of this would have happened.
OH what a tangled Web we weave.....