Carlson Is Getting A Bum Rap


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Tucker Carlson has only two flaws that annoy me:

1. He hands his audience to a liberal guest at least once every night.

2. He repeatedly calls this country a democracy.

Two blemishes on Tucker's reportorial skills do not call for a bum rap:


Et tu Tucker?
By Jeff Crouere
December 8, 2018

Of course, Trump has to be judged by his governing skills. That is where the knocks are justified.

Trump, sure as hell ain’t a conservative, nor is he a liberal. He is a 50/50 Republican. Fifty percent Establishment Republican and fifty percent RINO.

In addition to Trump’s obvious flaws he is from NY. That makes him no less of a Northeast liberal in spirit than the Clintons who came from Arkansas.

Frankly, I always thought voters in 2016 had a choice between two NE liberals; Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Alas, the 2020 race is shaping up as another battle of NE Libs in both parties.

NOTE: NE liberal is more than geography. It is a political definition. Illinois, California, Oregon, and Washington State are NE liberal states in policies; i.e., open-borders, the welfare state, the courts, and so on.

To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

In the interest of full disclosure I objected to then-Governor Haley’s rising star image long before Trump made her U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.

Let me clarify my objection. Then-Governor Haley came out of the United Nations closet in 2015. She made a lot of noise about a few dozen Gitmo prisoners —— then she supported a policy that forced Americans to accept, and support, hundreds of thousands of United Nations refugees.

Haley’s support for the United Nations contributed mightily to her rising star persona in the media:

Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s Republican governor, came out last Thursday and blasted possible White House plans to bring Guantanamo Bay prisoners to her state.


“We are absolutely drawing a line that we are not going to allow any terrorist to come into South Carolina,” Haley said. “We are not going to allow that kind of threat, we are not going to allow that kind of character to come in.​

Haley’s star quality quickly burned out. One look and you saw that Governor Haley was another Republican who was either stupid, or afraid to offend the New World Order crowd, or she simply agreed with giving the United Nations immigration authority over her state:

Yet, at the same time she was drawing a red line against Gitmo terrorists who would stay locked in a brig off the coast of Charleston, Haley was opening her arms wide to welcome “refugees” from jihadist strongholds in the Middle East and Africa.

In addition to taking in United Nations economic refugees Governor Haley had no problem with American parasites being paid tax dollars to implement a United Nations program:

World Relief, an evangelical aid agency that gets paid by the federal government to resettle refugees in the U.S. from places like Somalia and Syria, hatched plans more than a year ago to add Spartanburg, South Carolina, to the list of more than 190 U.S. cities receiving foreign refugees.

What the hell was the difference between enemy combatants from Gitmo who got caught, and those enemy soldiers the United Nations planted in this country for the same reason Johnny Appleseed planted apple trees —— take root and multiply.

As WND has reported in a series of more than 35 articles over the past year, the refugee program has been fraught with problems. Chief among them has been young men entering the U.S. as refugees and turning out to be terrorists.


According to information supplied recently by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., at least 72 cases have been documented in just the past year of Muslim immigrants becoming involved in terrorist activity.​

Anybody interested in learning more about how the United Nations gets into our domestic affairs you can start with South Carolina. Former SENATOR, and longtime traitor, John Kerry pops up in the article:

Kerry sent one of his top lieutenants to Spartanburg earlier this week to try to quell the uprising.

Nikki Haley welcomes Muslim refugees
Posted By Leo Hohmann On 08/28/2015 @ 8:23 pm

Trump will never do anything that angers the United Nations crowd. Giving Nikki Haley the authority to talk tough for public consumption angered nobody because her talk was meaningless.

Most of all, every public official who supports the U.N. in any way commits treason. That includes presidents who deliver a State of the World address to the U.N. the same way they deliver State of the Union addresses every year. In that sense, President Donald “Make The United Nations Great Again” Trump is worse than John Kerry. Sad to say, this country’s enemies cheer the loudest for useful idiot American presidents.

p.s. The New Republic is wrong about this:

Ann Coulter is furious at Donald Trump—and for good reason. Trump has had no bigger media boaster, not even the lick-spittling Sean Hannity, than Coulter.

Lou Dobbs gets the title hands down.
Tucker Carlson has only two flaws that annoy me:

1. He hands his audience to a liberal guest at least once every night.

Tucker should blacklist liberals:

Yep, just as we saw happen to television personalities in the McCarthy era, Hollywood director Judd Apatow is openly calling for Fox News primetime star Tucker Carlson to be blacklisted, for his commercial sponsors to pull their support, for him to lose his platform and career.

Already a number of sponsors have joined this blacklist, and Apatow is calling for more, simply because Apatow doesn’t like Carlson’s political beliefs.

Because of his political beliefs, Bowflex, SmileDirectClub, NerdWallet,, Pacific Life Insurance Company,, and nearly a dozen others have pulled their sponsorship of Carlson’s programs, are all blacklisting Carlson and, by extension, intimidating anyone else they sponsor.

Nolte: What’s Happening to Tucker Carlson (and Others) Is Called ‘Blacklisting’
19 Dec 2018
To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

Maybe now Trump believes me:

Immigrants — not the 280 million native-born Americans — make America great, says Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the U.N.

Nikki Haley: Immigration ‘Makes Us Great’
9 May 2019
Immigrants — not the 280 million native-born Americans — make America great, says Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the U.N.

Nikki Haley: Immigration ‘Makes Us Great’
9 May 2019


Based on Nikki Haley’s record why in hell would Trump want someone to fill her worn-out shoes?

Kelly Craft already has more than a year of experience in the Trump administration as U.S. ambassador to Canada, but the new role would be decidedly more high profile, and she will need to win over critics skeptical she can fill former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley’s shoes.

Never mind the questions U.N.-loving Democrats ask:

Craft, a top Republican donor and wife of a coal executive with ties to the Trump administration, is likely to face plenty of questions from Democrats about her family’s business interests and potential conflicts of interest.

Trump's UN pick faces Senate grilling
By Rebecca Kheel and Morgan Chalfant
06/19/19 06:06 AM EDT

Pray that Republicans ask Craft what she thinks about the most important six words in the U.N. Charter.

Before the U.S. Senate became a full-blown nest of traitors Senator Tom Connally (D-Texas) insisted on putting these six words in the U.N. Charter:


Those six words are known as the "Connally Reservation" and are the only words that prevents the U.N.’s World Court from interfering in America's internal affairs on the pretext that tariffs, immigration laws, school curriculums, etc., affect U.S. relations with other countries and are therefore "foreign" and not "domestic."

The battle over repealing the Connally Reservation from the U.N. Charter has been ongoing since 1946 —— most of it below the public’s radar screen. Connally’s Amendment protected Americans from more than an average person like me could ever cover; not the least of those protections was shielding our Second Amendment from U.N. gun grabbers.

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty
Ratification 'will not happen so long as I am breathing in the U.S. Senate'
Published: 04/13/2013 at 9:14 PM

Should you research it I think you will be surprised, and maybe disappointed, in some of the people who supported repealing the Connally Reservation.

Unfortunately, the Connally Reservation does not protect against U.N. treaties so long as the traitor’s work is built upon the U.N.’s foundation. I doubt if more than a small handful of Americans saw U.N. treaties coming their way; and certainly did not see the attacks on sovereignty built into today’s U.N. treaties.

The worst of it is that signed, but unratified, United Nations treaties have a shelf life longer than the half-life of radiation from a detonated nuclear bomb. A U.N. treaty’s shelf life is so long I once suggested that American presidents should be required to at least make an effort to ratify treaties signed in their administration. Congress should pass a law stating that whenever a president fails to get one of his treaties ratified before leaving office, or two years after leaving, that treaty is automatically rejected for all time.
Don't lose any sleep over it, any supposed "liberal" person on any Fox demogogue's show are Fox's house "liberals," their following a prearranged script, and secondly, the US is a democratic republic, so bow tie is partially correct, which is a rarity for the likes of him

And lastly, who cares what Tucker says and does, he's just another demogogue raking in millions telling conservatives exactly what they want to hear, there are lots of them
Pray that Republicans ask Craft what she thinks about the most important six words in the U.N. Charter.

I watched as much as Craft’s nomination garbage I could stand. I fast=forwarded through most of it.

After hearing Craft praise Canada it took me all of two minutes to decide that she is just another U.N.-loving suckass. China and Russia are the only countries that love the U.N. more than Canada. Craft moving from U.S. Ambassador to Canada to U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations should have been enough for Republicans to question exactly what she will be representing in the U.N.

Note that Canada’s environmental guru was in bed with China long before he died:

Ding, Dong – The Godfather Of Global Warming Is Dead!
by James Delingpole
1 Dec 2015


Like Dorothy, Lion, Tin Man and Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz, we’ve all been dancing down the Yellow Brick Road of “settled science” in search of answers from the Emerald City, only to find that what we suspected all along — the Wizard has been telling us fibs.

But who exactly is the Wizard? And where did this seeming-madness all begin?

Undoubtedly there are many “wizards”, but the man behind the green curtain, the man who managed to get the climate industry to where it is today is a mild mannered character by the name of Maurice Strong. The whole climate change business, and it is a business, started with Mr Strong.


Unfortunately, in 2005, the most powerful man in the push to save of humanity — by steady promotion of the theory of human induced greenhouse gases — was caught with his hand in the till.

Investigations into the UN’s Oil-for-Food-Program found that Strong had endorsed a cheque for $988,885 made out to M. Strong — issued by a Jordanian bank. The man who gave the cheque, South Korean business man Tongsun Park was convicted in 2006 in a US Federal court of conspiring to bribe UN officials. Strong resigned and fled to Canada and thence to China where he has been living ever since.

Strong is believed to have sanctuary in China because of his cousin, Anne Louise Strong, a Marxist who lived with Mao Tse Tung for two years, and when she died in 1970, her funeral was arranged by Premier Chou En-Lai.

Pray that Republicans ask Craft what she thinks about the most important six words in the U.N. Charter.

Before the U.S. Senate became a full-blown nest of traitors Senator Tom Connally (D-Texas) insisted on putting these six words in the U.N. Charter:


They never asked:

The Senate confirms Kelly Craft as the new UN ambassador
By Jen Kirby
Jul 31, 2019, 5:32pm EDT
To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.

This is mild compared to some of Haley’s betrayals when she was at the United Nations:

August 2, 2019 4:34PM ET
What Is Nikki Haley’s Angle?
The conservative governor-turned-U.N. ambassador served up an uncharacteristically harsh rebuke of Trump on Friday. Is she eyeing the White House?

Back when Trump was putting his cabinet together I suggested Sarah Palin for the United Nations. After you listen to the Divine Sarah talk about this country’s sovereignty, you tell me who would have done a better job?

To be honest, I never trusted Trump in a bunch of areas. First off, he should have known better than to send Nikky Haley to the United Nations. She remains Trump’s worst appointment.


Let me clarify my objection. Then-Governor Haley came out of the United Nations closet in 2015. She made a lot of noise about a few dozen Gitmo prisoners —— then she supported a policy that forced Americans to accept, and support, hundreds of thousands of United Nations refugees.

Haley’s support for the United Nations contributed mightily to her rising star persona in the media:

Maybe Trump will believe me now:

Move the cursor to 31:10 and listen all the way thru Ned Ryun:


Maurice Strong: “Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?”

COVID-19 will make way for rolling world pandemics that medical experts on President Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Task Force are already predicting will be back again by this Fall.

Maurice Strong died in 2015, but his legacy lives on through the governments of the world, governments who go out of their way to endorse radical global warming/climate change activists like Greta Thunberg and Green New Deal pushing New York Justice Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

COVID-19 The Answer To Maurice Strong’s Autobiographical Question, ‘Where on Earth Are We Going’?
By Judi McLeod
April 24, 2020