Casino Royale


Atheist Missionary
Anyone planning to see the new Bond film? It's released today here and tomorrow in the US.

Apparently its darker than the others, less reliant on CGFX and gadgets. And Bond is blonde at last.......
Anyone planning to see the new Bond film? It's released today here and tomorrow in the US.

Apparently its darker than the others, less reliant on CGFX and gadgets. And Bond is blonde at last.......

The Timothy Dalton Bond films were darker and more true to the early books .... and they didnt do well with fantatical Bond fans.... Im wondering if Casino is going to suffer the same fate. But than again... the new Batman was recieved well with its Darker more true to the comic book edge....
The early reviews have been glowing. I fell out with the Bond films when they relied too much on special effects and gadgets.

I've got a good feeling about Craig, he looks more realistic as an MI6 officer, what you'd really expect...

Probably take the missus to see it at the w/end...
The early reviews have been glowing. I fell out with the Bond films when they relied too much on special effects and gadgets.

I've got a good feeling about Craig, he looks more realistic as an MI6 officer, what you'd really expect...

Probably take the missus to see it at the w/end...

So you fell out during the Roger Moore era .... so did I. Thats the period they over did it with FX ... they were trying to compete with the big budget Space/thriller flix.

Dalton was an underrated Bond... imo Craig looks a little odd as Bond... but I'll wait and see before I judge ....

Sean was and still is the best.....
Untill recently I don't think most Americans knew that Casino Royalle was a Bond story.
I saw the origional Casino Royalle film again the other night....