Catalytic Converter thefts exploiding

Is there a good profit from selling them?

From I understand there's a gold screen in them.

They like to hit outside parked fleet vehicles and auto shops are secondary.

They use subsonic battery-powered sawzalls.

It's not done to resell the converter, it's done to sell the gold.

It was happening here 5-6 years ago.
Does a catalytic converter theft warrant making an insurance claim?

According to State Farm claims data, in the 12-month period from the second half of 2020 through the first half of 2021 (from July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021), catalytic converters theft grew close to 293 percent nationwide, in terms of number of claims filed, compared to the 12 months prior (comprising the last half of 2019 and the first half of 2020), reaching more than 18,000 instances, compared to the slightly above 4,500 in the earlier period. In terms of payouts, the total paid to customers during the most recent 12-month period is more than $33.7 million. In the previous 12-month period it was slightly below $9 million.

Catalytic Converter Replacement Cost
The average cost for catalytic converter replacement is between $1,695 and $1,733.
Labor costs are estimated between $141 and $177 while parts are priced between $1,554 and $1,556.

Almost certainly lowball, as prices are exploding, so yes that is more than most peoples deductible.
The increasingly lawless Seattle:

Somebody attempted to steal my cat converter while I was in Home Depot. I was parked in the south side of the parking lot facing the Southwest Precinct car park.

I was in the store for 20-30 minutes. When I came out I noticed a large gray Suburban with tinted windows blocking my parking spot and the car next to me.

I thought this was odd but my brain didn’t really register what was happening. I started heading that way and the thieves were very calm in seeing my approach.

The driver was a white female, mid 30’s, dirty blonde hair; she turned to her accomplice, a man, mid 30’s, dark black hair, possibly Hispanic, and through the window of their car I saw him shove something in the back seat of their car, jump in the front and they drove away.

They were not driving super fast and surprisingly were not rushing to get out of there. It wasn’t until I started my car and the engine sounded like a motorcycle that I realized they had almost cut one side of my cat away when I inspected further. I found the Sawzall blade embedded on one side of my cat and provided that to the police.

This was 3 pm in a full parking lot. The lesson here is to park in the center stack with cars facing you and on either side because they were able to box in my car to hide their attempted crime, because I was parked along the perimeter.

The police responded quickly and took an incident report and contacted the Home Depot supervisor for the (video) of the attempt.

This problem does not get solved till it is impossible for the thieves to sell the stolen property, this is a systemic problem that exists because our leaders either are incompetent or have outright betrayed us.

Buckle Up.
I actually read a story from a low grade Mind Molder positing that this crime is exploding because of the pandemic....people are having problems putting food on the table see and these things are worth more than they used to be because of shortages you see.......
