Catastrophic medical insurance


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Catastrophic medical insurance:

Government single payer is THE superior method for providing basic medical insurance.
Unfortunately, this concept has not yet been entirely adopted in the USA.

[Medicare, Medicare advantage, and Medicare Supplemental insurances are an example of government provided basic insurance that individuals may choose to augment by purchasing additional insurance provided by nongovernment insurers. Commercial insurers did not, do not, and cannot provide basic medical insurance in a manner superior to that of Medicare insurance].

Catastrophic medical expenditures paid on behalf of individual patients are drastic costs to all; (i.e. to individual persons or others such as medical insurance plans) that pay those expenditures. They increase the costs and prices of all (commercial, or nonprofit or government) administered medical insurance.
Due in part to individual patients’ catastrophic medical costs, insurance plans are less affordable and fewer people are insured by them.
In the USA when the legally obligated or charitable entities do not pay providers of medical goods and services, substantial amounts of those bills are directly or indirectly paid by our governments, (i.e. our taxpayers).

I’m among the proponent for federal universal individual patients’ catastrophic medical insurance.

It’s proposed when a patient’s annual medical expenditures reach the “catastrophic amount”, the federal government should assume the medical insurance of that patient for no less than then and the years that follow until the medical expenditures on behalf of the patient do not exceed 15% of the catastrophic amount within one of those following years.

Catastrophic medical insurance should be patient’s entitlement regardless if the patient was or was not previously insured. Participating Affordable Care Act insurers are required to accept high-risk client’s and catastrophic expenses are more likely to occur among those clients.

The legally defined “catastrophic amount” should be annually adjusted. Medicare is an example of price schedules for authorized medical goods and services.

Respectfully, Supposn
Complete crock of shit

First of all, the purpose of Medicare Advantage is because your vaunted Medicare doesn't cover everything. It has holes. People pay for Medicare D
Advantage out of their own pockets.

Your entire thesis falls apart because you began with a flawed premise

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Complete crock of shit

First of all, the purpose of Medicare Advantage is because your vaunted Medicare doesn't cover everything. It has holes. People pay for Medicare D
Advantage out of their own pockets.

Your entire thesis falls apart because you began with a flawed premise

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Alice in Liberal Land, I did not claim Medicare has achieved excellence. I did state:
Medicare, Medicare advantage, and Medicare Supplemental insurances are an example of government provided basic insurance that individuals may choose to augment by purchasing additional insurance provided by nongovernment insurers. Commercial insurers did not, do not, and cannot provide basic medical insurance in a manner superior to that of Medicare insurance.

Some pay all, and some are subsidized, and I suppose some pay nothing for Medicare or for Medicare part D. What’s your point?
I just have Medicare without supplements or advantages. Government’s administrated Medicare has always worked well for me and ALL my acquaintances. Our only complaints are regarding Medicare part D.
To enable the passage of Medicare part D, Democrats had to compromise. Republicans demanded federal government not be permitted to negotiate for lower drug prices or administrate part D Medicare. Consequentially, similar or the same prescribed drugs are much cheaper in other nations and there’s serious problems with commercial administration of Medicare part D.

Usually when an additional drug is prescribed for me, or my drug list was modified to introduce a different drug, the commercial insurer chooses to replace my physicians’ judgements with their own opinions. My doctors’ offices spend additional labor and time corresponding with the commercial insurer to enable me to receive my prescriptions filled and covered exactly as they prescribe them to be.

I moved and the office of the cardiologist where I now reside has decided it’s less trouble for his office to provide their patients with free samples rather than spending the time and expenses of corresponding with the commercial insurers.
Commercial rather than government administered insurance is more problematic and expensive. Additionally, (unlike government’s manner of administrating Medicare insurance), it’s not unusual for commercial insurers to detrimentally intervene between the relationship of patients and physicians.

Respectfully, Supposn
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Complete crock of shit

First of all, the purpose of Medicare Advantage is because your vaunted Medicare doesn't cover everything. It has holes. People pay for Medicare D
Advantage out of their own pockets.

Your entire thesis falls apart because you began with a flawed premise

What the hell has medicare got to do with catastrophic coverage? It is not and never has been.
cover all

only America haters would claim the USA cant do what all other western countries do
Healthcare in Russia
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Ambulance car-based GAZelle is the most common type of ambulances in Russia
Healthcare in Russia is provided by the state through the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund, and regulated through the Ministry of Health.[1] The Constitution of the Russian Federation has provided all citizens the right to free healthcare since 1996. In 2008, 621,000 doctors and 1.3 million nurses were employed in Russian healthcare. The number of doctors per 10,000 people was 43.8, but only 12.1 in rural areas. The number of general practitioners as a share of the total number of doctors was 1.26 percent. There are about 9.3 beds per thousand population—nearly double the OECD average.
Expenditure on healthcare was 6.5% of Gross Domestic Product, US$957 per person in 2013. About 48% comes from government sources. About 5% of the population, mostly in major cities, have voluntary health insurance.[2]
After the end of the Soviet Union, Russian healthcare became composed of state and private systems. Originally, state healthcare was greatly inferior, while pricier private facilities provided better-quality healthcare. The state healthcare system greatly improved throughout the 2000s, with health spending per person rising from $96 in 2000 to $957 in 2013.
Due to the ongoing Russian financial crisis since 2014, major cuts in health spending have resulted in a decline in the quality of service of the state healthcare system. About 40% of basic medical facilities have fewer staff than they are supposed to have, with others being closed down. Waiting times for treatment have increased, and patients have been forced to pay for more services that were previously free.[3
The CMS saw great improvements to public health. Infant mortality decreased from 200 to 34 per 1000 live births, and life expectancy almost doubled, increasing from 35 to 68 years.[1] However, the agricultural sector reform slowly ended the original CMS during the 1980s, which had an adverse effect on the poor.[2] The impoverished, especially in rural areas, had no way of paying for medical care. A decentralization of the Chinese government meant a decrease in government involvement in public health services, which then made quality healthcare access much more difficult for poorer individuals. In fact, government spending on public health decreased from 32% to 15% as a result of the agricultural sector reform.[1] Recent changes have been implemented in an effort to ensure healthcare for all of China.
Complete crock of shit

First of all, the purpose of Medicare Advantage is because your vaunted Medicare doesn't cover everything. It has holes. People pay for Medicare D
Advantage out of their own pockets.

Your entire thesis falls apart because you began with a flawed premise

What the hell has medicare got to do with catastrophic coverage? It is not and never has been.

Stoned and Alice in Liberal Land, you guys can identify a medical insurer that will provide me with no less coverage at my costs, or superior coverage at no more than my costs for basic Medicare?

You doubt cost or prices for insurance covering medical expenditures on behalf of individual patients is related to the financial risks that patients may require medical care of catastrophic annual expenses in the future?
They have been, they are, and they will (to the extent of any foreseeable future), continue to be related.

I would hope you know the meaning of the phrase “catastrophic annual costs” and are aware of medical insurances’ underlying concepts?

Respectfully, Supposn
Federal catastrophic medical expense insurance as an entitlement.

Most medical expenses on behalf of patients are eventually paid by those legally obligated to do so, or by charitable contributions. A significant portion of those paid expenses are eventually net expenses to our governments and thus to our taxpayers.
eventually what would otherwise be unpaid medical expenses are, (I suspect to a great extent) are also paid by our governments and thus by our taxpayers.

If entitlement to federal payment of individuals catastrophic medical expenses would be at no cost to any individuals or medical plans, (e.g. insurance or HSA plans), it would not be of net great additionally significant expenses to our governments or our taxpayers; (if it were of any net increases of our governments’ expenses, those expenses would be imperceivably small within individuals’ tax contributions).

Reduction of unpaid medical bills reduces medical service providers’ expenses, and costs and prices for all (commercial, and non-profit, and government’s) medical plans such as insurance or HMO’s, or health savings plans; consequentially making those medical plans more affordable and reducing the proportion of our population lacking adequate medical insurance.

This is not an entire solution; it’s a proposed improvement for our nation’s current and whatever is likely to be our future medical care policies.

Respectfully, Supposn
Commercial insurers did not, do not, and cannot provide basic medical insurance in a manner superior to that of Medicare insurance.

It depends how you define 'superior'. Medicare does not cover many things, will not approve certain services and procedures until a patient is ill and pays a mere pittance to the providers.
Commercial insurers did not, do not, and cannot provide basic medical insurance in a manner superior to that of Medicare insurance.

It depends how you define 'superior'. Medicare does not cover many things, will not approve certain services and procedures until a patient is ill and pays a mere pittance to the providers.
“Comparative adjectives are used to compare differences between the two objects they modify (larger, smaller, faster, higher)”.
“... b. excellent of its kind ...”
“... 3. of higher grade or quality ...”

Trump Diva, until the catastrophic medical expense has occurred, it pays nothing to refund the payer or compensate to provider for medical goods and services provided on behalf of an individual patient. Medicare's schedules of prices are an example of a federal price schedule for legitimate medical expenses.

I used the word “superior” as a comparative adjective regarding determination of price or cost/benefit.

Respectfully, Supposn
Trump Diva, until the catastrophic medical expense has occurred, it pays nothing to refund the payer or compensate to provider for medical goods and services provided on behalf of an individual patient. Medicare's schedules of prices are an example of a federal price schedule for legitimate medical expenses.

I used the word “superior” as a comparative adjective regarding determination of price or cost/benefit.

Respectfully, Supposn
Medicare's contracted rates do not pay providers fairly for their services. If a doctor had to rely solely on Medicare payments, they would be out of business.
Does it cover what the guidelines for the ACA are?
If not it should not be considered valid insurance for tax purposes.

Aloysious, federal catastrophic medical insurance would be an entitlement mutually exclusive to any medical plan or to taxes.
It doesn’t require that that a patient who’s a legal USA resident had been insured.
It’s a proposed improvement for our nation’s current and whatever is likely to be our future medical care policies.

Respectfully, Supposn
I have for years believed that catastrophic illness and injury should be covered by the Feds.

Anything over $25,000 to $30,000 dollars anyway.
Medicare's contracted rates do not pay providers fairly for their services. If a doctor had to rely solely on Medicare payments, they would be out of business.

Or they'd have to drive less expensive, less ostentatious cars. Maybe live in slightly less expensive homes.

There's a young, hot-shit, part-time staff doctor at a for profit nursing home near here, he also has his own practice, who drives up to the place in his Ferrari.

Not kidding.
Aloysious, federal catastrophic medical insurance would be an entitlement mutually exclusive to any medical plan or to taxes.
It doesn’t require that that a patient who’s a legal USA resident had been insured.
It’s a proposed improvement for our nation’s current and whatever is likely to be our future medical care policies.

Respectfully, Supposn
That's an idea I never heard before. Sounds good to me. Who came up with that?