Cats Pajamas

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Cat's Pajama's back in the 80's. Me and a buddy were watching a kung fu movie here in Canada at 9 or ten years old (I am 50 this year as of Feb 01) and it went to commercial and came back, we saw a Cat's Pajama's presentation (those hosting the kung fu movies) of some guy making an idiot face (you know when you make faces) and this fist just punched him off of the screen. Me and my buddy just looked at each other laughing because it looked so retarded. I never saw it again, I guess the network might have gotten into some trouble for it back then although I didn't pay attention to the newspapers etc. past the weather and sometimes comics.

I miss those day's Jay, when we were kids ... Me and Jay had allot of laughs back in the public school days.

This is Jackie Chan inspired by a cat vs a snake forced fight for movie captivation I suppose was what they were thinking ...


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada