CBC Is Bias, Radical, Tyrannical Government Funded Media At Tax Payers Expense

David Jeffrey Spetch

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CBC Is Bias, Radical, Tyrannical Government Funded Media At Tax Payers Expense

Did anyone else see or hear Justin Trudeau while campaigning to run for the PM chair tell tax payers it was his intention to hijack the main stream media with bias, radical, tyrannical policies which also only funds main stream media that is willing to go along with the World Economic Forum redundant agenda of lies and deceptions used to divide and conquer Canadians for the WEF while also hiding life saving news from the public?! Yet because tax payers are being abused by his radical policies of which he funds his bias garbage through his radical, tyrannical government at tax payers expense (which quite obviously also helped him to use such garbage excuse for media to try and shame anyone opposing his rubbish thus meddle with the election results in the second election he ran by regressively abusing Canadians with rubbish by controlling the media narrative of which there quite obviously is no freedom of the press in main stream since Trudeau took office and started this sick little tirade) he seems to think it appropriate to label the CBC as publicly funded without mentioning him or his sick government and pathetic excuse for policies to lend the illusion that the public supports such disgusting rubbish that the CBC represents under Trudeau's pathetic excuse for so called policies!

Government Funded Media is an appropriate title no matter how much funding they give the CBC.

Oh and cry me a river that these sick bias media garbage outlets are being labelled appropriately by Twitter when so many of us were banned from big tech sites under the banner of slander Trudeau, his policies and this sick little media supports like calling people not going along with their sick and filthy lies and deceptions as haters, bigots, having phobias etc. when it is all lies and we got banned despite being lied about as so called justification to have us removed from sites to prevent us from exposing their sick and filthy lies! Yet these credibility lacking media outlets are whining when being merely appropriately labelled?!! I say fire them all!

Or even appropriately the CBC could be called "tyrannically funded media" because after all we have more people than homes in Canada, yet our borders remain open to 4 - 5 hundred thousand illegal invaders and so called legal immigrants this year which is every indication that by the end of 2023 there will be another 500 thousand homeless citizens etc. Food banks are already crashing, there are already not enough spaces for homeless people to take shelter in the winter and food banks are being drained at record levels. Homes, well they might build ten thousand across the country by years end the way the regress (when it comes to liberals it is always regressive under the guise of something made out to be progressive.) With the new surge of homeless coming about this year food banks are likely to go empty as citizens etc. in mass numbers begin to starve, crime becomes more frequent and what's Trudeau's plan, oh right I have seen no plan other than to keep the border open to assure the death of many Canadian citizens who are deliberately being made homeless. When you are out to kill your own citizens, let alone on such mass scales what better definition of tyrant is there?!! (of which Jagmeet obviously shares the title of tyrant as no call for a vote of no confidence came about when I made our officials of Canada aware of this back in January 2023 and the conservatives, they could have at least made the effort on a vote of no confidence as individuals within parties have been known to cross the floor etc. when they feel the need and what greater need than when Canadian citizens are being deliberately set up to be killed off and in mass numbers! They should have made the effort and since then it would have saved us all kinds of more turmoil but hey they must all be in on killing Canadians off while they just ignore it as their political agendas take precedence over saving the lives of Canadians being made homeless under the guise of another lie they call saving the environment under the lie called global warming crisis! Ask Trudeau to prove that 3 percent of the Earths surface area occupied by humans can raise the Earth's atmospheric temperature even 0.00001 degree. He never will because it's all a lie but he taxes us over lies anyway. That's right federal officials ought to be ashamed of themselves! What does the CBC do, it ignores the problem (an example of life saving news being ignored) and tries to paint a tyrant as a good guy and that we aren't bad off etc.!

Or even appropriately "radical government funded media". Here Trudeau's radical government gives a hundred million to the compulsive obsessive lying deceiving World Economic Forums lgbt hate group at the end of 2022 so they could go around harassing the NHL and have paid actors show up to anti protest decent people coming out to protest transgarbage story time where a bunch of compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers who live a lie tell children that these compulsive obsessive liars and deceivers who do not want to accept themselves for what they themselves are while expecting that also gives them the right to rob everyone else of the right to be what we are, are good people. For starters if you live a lie (especially when it comes to the foundation of a primary issue) you obviously can't be trusted and if you can't be trusted then what makes you think that qualifies anyone as a good person?! The LGBT's inclusion is like sitting to a nice steak dinner and having someone plop feces on your plate under the guise of inclusion attempting to dictate you have to eat it or you are being hateful! If you are dunb enough to support the lgbt then you are begging to be lied to and deceived because that is what they represent compulsively and obsessively. If it includes the lgbt then it is not for me thus is not inclusive at all. If you are a man pretending to be a woman you are a liar and deceiver I do not want around me because you naturally repulse me with such disgusting behaviour.

How would you like people sharing that the LGBT are a bunch of child molesters hiding behind the guise of homosexuality?! Oh what's the matter suddenly you have a problem when someone uses lies to rob people of what they are but have said nothing when the lgbt has been doing it to everyone else especially this past decade?!!

If so called trans sickos want to be an accepted part of society they first have to be taught like little dumb ignorant imbeciles they prove to be (easily baited WEF sock puppets) to start accepting themselves for what they themselves are instead of pretending to be what they are not and never will be thus with no trans sickos left, no more problems to do with this sick and filthy issue and the LGBT will finally be gone permanently. No more funding a hate group to force lies and deceptions upon the public of which such lies and deceptions infuriate the public so what do they do, instead of using the hundred million stolen from tax payers that Trudeau's government handed them, they demand tax payers further be made to expense their security so they can continue to go around pissing people off with their sick, disgusting, inexcusable unforgivable behaviour.

LGBT feels their lives are under threat, stop lying and deceiving. It's pretty simple.

You ever heard of the LGB, these are homosexuals etc. that have been fighting the lgbt too but because they are not World Economic Forum retarded like the lgbt, they get ignored while the lgbt goes around trying to force oppression on the public while attempting to try and make a mockery of everything as much as they can like the NHL. Hey NHL, look what ha[ppened to bud light for having what appears to be a goofy looking imbecile for CEO from where I sit, looks like you could be next only I notice not all of your teams caved to such disgusting filth that the lgbt represents. And yeah they attempt to force oppression by attempting to force sheeple to accept being lied too and decieved as the so called norm thus shaped into a how dare you oppose lies you slaves mentality as the useful idiot Trudeau eagerly supports for his WEF puppet masters.

The CBC, like many others are bias, radical and tyrannically funded media. If they don't like it then stop being funded by the liberal government while also abiding by radical liberal policy at tax payers expense.

Twitter should keep the labels right where they belong but I see they cowered. Pathetic.

CBC to keep Twitter accounts on pause for now after ‘government-funded’ tag removed



Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Collingwood Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!