CBS Evening News Parades 'Gay Cabal' Conspiracy Theory (Video)


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Couric's evening news had a segment featuring the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins claiming gay GOP operatives had a "network" that covered up Foley's behavior just because he was also gay.

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Hastert is gay ??? Well could be.....

No, he's not gay, but I just heard on the News that the complaints to Hastert about this by one on the Republicans coming forward is Dennis Hastert's chief of staff...scott palmer, I believe they said was his name....

Well the complaints from others went to HIM to go to everything goes thru him to hastert unless hastert is having a one on one with someone...

But anyway the 24/7 is saying that Scott Palmer, the chief of staff for Dennis Hastert shares a house with ....... drum roll........... Representative FOLEY.....

Do you think that this is coming out now and Palmer is going to be the scapegoat for Hastert or do you think that Scott Palmer is "part" of this "gay cabal" that this article mentioned, "covered up" for Foley?
