Desh you will not convince Damo that the media is not liberal. You would have more luck teaching pigs to fly.
Desh you will not convince Damo that the media is not liberal. You would have more luck teaching pigs to fly.
I think the media is lazy, not liberal.

In this case I think they are overcompensating as I siad.

It is only your assumption of my opinion that is lacking in comprehension.
I think the media is lazy, not liberal.

In this case I think they are overcompensating as I siad.

It is only your assumption of my opinion that is lacking in comprehension.

Now Damo this is not the first itme we have had this discussion on the media.
you have changfed your stance ?
Damo has a point about the "overcompensating." We saw it in 2000 with the relentless focus on "Gore the exaggerator," while Bush was given a free ride, and again in '04 with a campaign that is remembered mainly for swiftboat veterans.

With some notable exceptions, the media goes overboard trying to go in the opposite direction of their personal views, which are statistically more liberal.
Desh you will not convince Damo that the media is not liberal. You would have more luck teaching pigs to fly.
No Damo nailed it, Dan Rather has been the star attraction at a Dem party fundraiser for Christ's sakes:

"Dan Rather, the longest-serving and most outspoken of the major network news anchors, recently served as the star attraction at a Democratic Party fundraiser.

Donors paid as much as $1,000 for a private evening in Austin with the CBS newsman, according to an invitation obtained by The Washington Post. Rather's appearance at the March 21 gathering generated about $20,000 for the Travis County Democratic Party"
Damo has a point about the "overcompensating." We saw it in 2000 with the relentless focus on "Gore the exaggerator," while Bush was given a free ride, and again in '04 with a campaign that is remembered mainly for swiftboat veterans.

With some notable exceptions, the media goes overboard trying to go in the opposite direction of their personal views, which are statistically more liberal.
The media was just as adamant about spending time examining dental records and whether Bush served before for the 2004 election.
Also most of any candidate's skeletons are going to come out in their first election attempt (ie: 2000 for Bush) whereas Kerry was fresh.
More than likely CBS shooed away the protesters because that wasn't what the piece was about or because they were embarassingly far-left.
Sort of like how a far-lefty like Desh or DrWho probably hurts the Dems more than helps them.
No, it is the first time I have given my opinion. I only point out the bias in stories, you assume my opinion.

Bush Makes Power Grab
Views: 368
Posted By Damocles
Ahh you do still operate on political faith where...

Ahh you do still operate on political faith where the midia is concerned, don't you ?

Still believe the media is a liberal beast and is not controlled by big money....

I believe that they are...

I rest my case
Bush Makes Power Grab
Views: 368
Posted By Damocles
Ahh you do still operate on political faith where...

Ahh you do still operate on political faith where the midia is concerned, don't you ?

Still believe the media is a liberal beast and is not controlled by big money....

I believe that they are...

I rest my case
What are you talking about? I posted that because I was against the power grab.

The number of views has nothing to do with my views on that, it certainly wasn't posted as some "liberal news gets it wrong" or anything.

You are being deliberately ignorant.

You post a story, I read what I think is the lean in it. I post that. I think the lean is there because they are lazy and get all their news from the same sources without ever seeking a story of their own in the vast majority of the cases. I have often posted about the fact that most newsies get all their stuff from Rueters or AP.
Look in the mirror much?
bscitizen never gives up, he is the most stubborn ass on the board, fortunately he's also the dumbest so it's not like you have anything to prove.

Honestly Damo, that's why I left your board to go back for awhile, it's beyond boring to take the time to make a good post and then have bscitizen put in his little:
"Yeah dano, but what about Bush and the Repubs? Huh-huh" :)

What a waste of life.
bscitizen never gives up, he is the most stubborn ass on the board, fortunately he's also the dumbest so it's not like you have anything to prove.

Honestly Damo, that's why I left your board to go back for awhile, it's beyond boring to take the time to make a good post and then have bscitizen put in his little:
"Yeah dano, but what about Bush and the Repubs? Huh-huh" :)

What a waste of life.

Talkin about yourself danodemento ?

If I am so insignificant and such why did you let me run you off ?

Did I make you see you could just possibly be wrong ?

I am extremely proud to hyave been the cause or your prior departure.

All I will accept donations to do it again :)
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