CCP – A Transnational Criminal Organization


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It Is Time to Recognize the CCP as a Transnational Criminal Organization?
Commentary by Long Ju
October 9, 2020

On Oct. 1, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was celebrating the 71st anniversary of its takeover of China, a U.S. bill was introduced to designate the CCP a “transnational criminal organization.”

U.S. Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) introduced the legislation. He said the CCP “cannot be given a pass, cannot be absolved of justice just because it’s ruling China, and that’s what’s happened. Because they can declare themselves as the legitimate government of China they are allowed to get away with it.”

“They are allowed to get away with the oppression, concentration camp, all kinds of horrific things that you already know about. Whether it’s the Falun Gong, whether it’s our friends in Mongolia, whether it’s taking over Tibet, all of it has to end,” he continued, referring to Beijing’s persecution of the ancient spiritual practice, erosion of Mongolian cultural customs, and suppression of Tibetan Buddhists, respectively.

“All of it has to end. Its criminal activity that must be recognized and stood against by the whole world community. And the United States must lead.”

If it takes a domino effect to “tear down the wall,” I believe that this bill serves as the first domino that will bring down the wall that has blocked the innocent Chinese from the free world and from learning the truth about the nature of the CCP for more than seven decades.

During this time, the Chinese population has paid the price of the CCP destroying the country. The top one percent, which includes the elite ruling class, own more than 90 percent of the national wealth. At least 84.1 percent of the population belong to the lower class of Chinese society and suffer from tyranny and injustice, while the rest are the ones who would most likely defend the CCP. It is the CCP dictatorship that has brainwashed these people. They don’t represent all Chinese, but their voices are heard by the outside world.

Recently, a professor at Shenyang University of Technology, Zhao Shengye, posted online his plans to “destroy the world.” He proposed to detonate a nuclear submarine loaded with nuclear warheads in the Pacific Ocean; detonate thousands of nuclear bombs in the Himalayas at the same time; and detonate thousands of nuclear bombs implanted deep in the Sichuan Basin.

Why did he post such plans? As he claimed, “It’s the ultimate solution … when they (Americans) intervene in Chinese affairs,” to resolutely safeguard the rule of the CCP.

Such ideas are exactly the same as the CCP’s approach of using unrestricted warfare. This mentality was clearly depicted by the spread of the CCP virus (novel coronavirus) that has killed countless Chinese citizens and many people worldwide.

According to a Chinese report on, Zhao Shengye is the founder of the Honker Union of China, also known as H.U.C., a group of Chinese hackers of extreme patriotism and nationalism that are over 80,000 strong. Of the many cyberattacks launched by the group, the 2001 hacking of the White House site is the most well-known. The group’s views represent those who insist on communism and the core mentality of the CCP to destroy the world at any cost. The report also indicated that if it were not for the acquiescence of the CCP’s propaganda system, such a shocking remark would have been deleted by Chinese cyber police. Therefore, it is obvious that Zhao is backed by the CCP. His views also suggest the final struggle of the CCP.

Under the deceitful ruling of the CCP, the world has revolved around its tyranny, whether intentional or not. However, the scourge of the pandemic has awakened us all.

As U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo mentioned in his trip to Italy: “The piece was written and our policy has been all along to bring every actor who can benefit the people of China from—to take away the horrors of the authoritarian regime the Chinese Communist Party is inflicting on these people. That was our mission set, and it will remain our mission set. Long—it’s been so long before the election; it will remain so after the election.”

Long Ju is an independent short film producer and has contributed to The Epoch Times since 2010.