CCP Officials’ Hate & “Love” Of U.S.


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CCP Officials Push Anti-US Propaganda While Sending Families to Live in the US
Nov. 2, 2020 | By Jiu Xiao (

The Chinese branch of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), a mandatory test for non-native speakers to study in the United States, opened for 2021 registration at 10 a.m. on October 14, 2020. Within 5 minutes, all testing slots in Beijing and Shanghai for January through August 2021 were filled up.

The rush was partially caused by testing site limitations due to the coronavirus pandemic. Nonetheless, filling up all slots in 5 minutes was still unexpected and stood in stark contrast to the intense anti-America propaganda perpetuated by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in the past few months.

Some netizens pointed out that many high profile anti-America warriors had sent their children to settle down in the United States. They include Yang Jiechi (director of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission Office), Geng Shuang (Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations), Hua Chunying (Director of the Foreign Ministry Information Department), Hu Xijin (Chief Editor of the Global Times), and Jin Canrong (Dean of International Studies at Renmin University).

To summarize the conflicting characters of these officials, one post cited a phrase used by pro-CCP scholar Sima Nan. When he was seen flying to the U.S. to meet family hours after declaring the U.S. the “enemy of the entire world” and “a huge tumor,” he brushed it off and replied, “Confronting the U.S. is my job, and visiting/staying in the U.S. is my life.”

A Never-Ending Exodus

The CCP often incorporates extreme patriotism into its propaganda. One example is glorifying itself while denouncing Western countries, especially the U.S.

“Chinese people are rich now—they can eat whatever they want and have fun wherever possible,” wrote CCP internet army members online. “Why do some people still think the grass is greener on the other side [in foreign countries]?”

It is because of freedom, one netizen replied: Like air, you may not realize its importance, but when suffocating, you would know how precious it is.

“When you want to practice you belief, when your apartment is demolished by the government, when your child is disabled by a fake vaccine, when your boss fails to pay you, when you lose your savings in financial fraud, when you lose your loved ones in the pandemic, when flooding wipes out all your valuables… when you seek protection of your legal rights, you could see the real face of the CCP,” one netizen wrote. “You would lose all your dignity as a human being—you would be stuck on the lengthy journey of appealing your case, or you could be stopped by officials and end up in jail.”

The democracy, freedom of belief, human rights, legal system, environment, and sense of security in democratic countries are some main factors that attract Chinese people. In the past few months, the CCP has become more isolated as a result of its stream of lies and disinformation, as well as its attacks on Western countries. But Chinese people are still dreaming of immigrating to the U.S., as seen by TOEFL’s popularity.

Canada also attracts about 30,000 Chinese immigrants per year. After Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s deputy chair of the board and CFO, was detained in Canada in December 2018, although the CCP smeared Canada repeatedly, the immigration trend from China to Canada did not seem to slow down.

According to a 2018 report from the renowned Tsinghua University, only 19% of its graduates who went to the U.S. to pursue advanced degrees returned to China upon completion of their education. New Oriental (Xin Dong Fang), the largest English testing preparation company in China, published a white paper in 2019 saying that only 28% of Chinese students returned to China after completing their education overseas.

To explain this situation, a vice president at Tsinghua talked about differences in quality of life between China and other countries. In the U.S., for example, one can take out a mortgage to purchase a house after working for a few years. In China, it is much harder for younger generations to become homeowners because the average housing price is much more expensive relative to income levels. Furthermore, the U.S. also has relatively more price stability and lower cost of living.

Xu Chenchang, a professor of mathematics at Peking University, concurred. To do research in China is much more challenging than in Western countries, he said; besides difficulty in securing funding, the corrupt system and widespread data fraudulence are also intimidating for those who want to pursue a scientific career in China.

Lessons from Siding with the CCP

While many Chinese today choose to stay in Western countries, those in the early years of the CCP’s rise who were deceived by the Party’s lies and decided to stay with the CCP often became victims in its political campaigns.

Hu Feng and Li Shenzhi, two prominent scholars in China and fervent supporters of Mao Zedong as well as the CCP in 1949, both learned their lesson a few years later. Mao targeted Hu in 1955 as a counter-revolutionist, and Hu was imprisoned until 1979, several years before his death. Li was also attacked as a rightist in 1957 and later became a strong critic of the CCP’s authoritarianism.

Many of these scholars had the freedom to choose their path. Before retreating to Taiwan, Chiang Kai-shek, former President of the Republic of China, launched a plan in December 1948 to rescue about 1,000 scholars and arrange their travel to Taiwan. But very few intellectuals accepted the invitation and agreed to move.

Among 81 members of Academia Sinica, the national academy of the Republic of China, only 10 went to Taiwan, 12 went to other countries, and the remaining 59 remained in mainland China in 1949. In addition, among five thousand Chinese scientists who were in other countries, over two thousand returned to China by the end of 1956, hoping to contribute to society with their knowledge.

But what happened next was unexpected:

Wu Mi, one of the founders of Chinese comparative literature, was labeled as a counter-revolutionist for refusing to follow the Party line of attacking Confucius.

Qian Duansheng, one of the high-ranking officials praised by Chiang Kai-shek, was forced to criticize himself at Beijing People’s Congress in 1957 before being targeted as a rightist.

Zhou Shouxian, one of the pioneers of computer science in China, was sent to forced labor in remote Jiangxi Province. He developed a mental disorder and later committed suicide.

Qian Jin, an instrumental contributor to China’s nuclear weapon, missile and satellite technology, was targeted as a counter-revolutionist during the Cultural Revolution. “Those who know English are American spies; those who know Russian are Soviet spies,” said a slogan at the time. Qian denied being a spy and was beaten to death.

Dong Jianyi was born in Shanghai and graduated from Harvard with a MD degree. After returning to Shanghai in 1952, he became Director of the Urology Department at Huimin Hospital. In 1957 he was classified as a rightist and sent to Jiabiangou in Shannxi Province for forced labor. His wife Gu Xiaoying, also a graduate from a U.S. college, went to look for him, only to find that his body had been eaten up with only his head left hanging on the skeleton.

Jiabiangou was part of the Gobi Desert in Northwest China with strong winds and extreme cold. During the Great Leap Forward movement, however, more than 3,000 rightist intellectuals were sent there to grow crops and feed themselves. As food was depleted, they ate grass, rats, lizards, and even human waste, with some resorting to cannibalism. By 1960, less than 1,000 people were still alive.

What happened in Jiabiangou was only one of the countless tragedies in China caused by the CCP. Countless intellectuals’ wishful thinking of the CCP was met with harsh reality.

They include Chen Yinke (one of the best known historians in China in the 20th century), Ye Qisun (one of the pioneers of modern physics in China), Xie Jiarong (one of the founders of the Geological Society of China), Chen Mengjia (poet and archaeologist), Ma Yinchu (economist), the couple of Zeng Zhaolun (former Vice Minister of Education) and Yu Dayin (professor at Peking University), Wang Rongbin (key developer of China’s first-generation submarine), Feng Zikai (painter), Xiao Guangyan (petrochemist), the couple of Fu Lei (translator) and Zhu Meifu, Yu Guangyu (aerospace expert), and Zhan Antai (scholar).

The Class of Communist Elites
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