Celebrating Kristallnacht; An Ol' Drumpf Family Favorite!!

September 24, 2016 - "Donald Trump’s week began in the wake of explosions in New Jersey and New York. It ended in the aftermath of shootings and riots. For a candidate whose strategy relies on painting a dystopian view of the nation — often based on inaccurate and questionable claims — the tragedies yielded a trove of political opportunities.

Trump’s campaign is hardly the first to spin things its way, and Clinton has made her share of questionable claims, but Trump has nevertheless revealed himself to be a candidate who at times seems uniquely undeterred by facts.

An examination by The Washington Post of one week of Trump’s speeches, tweets and interviews show a candidate who not only continues to rely heavily on thinly sourced or entirely unsubstantiated claims but also uses them to paint a strikingly bleak portrait of an impoverished America, overrun by illegal immigrants, criminals and terrorists — all designed to set up his theme that he is specially suited to make America great again.”




Should these folks be considered the "spawn" of Mitch McConnell......

.....Or, just some drunken Klan/Neo-Nazi party that spun-outta-control?

October 15, 2016 - "Their public conference had been interrupted by a demonstration march and a bomb threat, so the white nationalists decided to meet secretly instead. They slipped past police officers and protesters into a hotel in downtown Memphis.

The country had elected its first black president just a few days earlier, and now in November 2008, dozens of the worlds most prominent racists wanted to strategize for the years ahead.

The fight to restore White America begins now,” their agenda read."

October 27, 2016 - "Les Adams, a Vietnam War veteran from Tallahassee who attended the Sanford rally, agreed that the media has unfairly piled on Trump in recent weeks and said that skewed sampling by pollsters is the reason Trump isn’t faring better in surveys. Adams also said he fears violence on the horizon if Clinton is elected.

“It starts with the average American saying, ‘Hell, no, I’m not going to take this anymore.’ And if Clinton gets elected? I’ll buy more guns. I’ll buy more guns. There’s going to be a revolution,” Adams said. “We can’t get much more divided without violence happening. . . . I hope it doesn’t [come to that]. I haven’t shot anybody since Vietnam; I don’t want to start now.”



Those bombings were legitimate terrorist attacks. If you want something that is potentially comparable to the Reichstag fire, then that would be the GOP HQ bombing in NC. Of course, the Project Veritas video might have shot that one down, as well.