Celebrating The New Year Died In 1977


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I have been in bed by 9:00 pm every December 31[SUP]st[/SUP] for the past forty years. Last night had to be the worst New Year's Eve of all:

'I'm embarrassed for America': Puzzled viewers slam NBC for its 'train-wreck' New Year's Eve coverage after it failed to show the ball drop and aired Chrissy Teigen talking about 'vaginal steaming'
By Emily Crane and Megan Sheets For Dailymail.com
Published: 08:19 EST, 1 January 2019 | Updated: 10:49 EST, 1 January 2019


Let me offer a treat for the old folks who greeted the new year in happier times by listening to Guy Lombardo (1902 - 1977) when the ball dropped:

I am not looking forward to leap year ushering in another presidential election year. Once again the media is celebrating under the Democrat banner. According to television happy-talk the year 2020 is going to be the best year the country ever had, but only if Donald Trump does not get a second term.

Media mouths scrambling to settle on the Democrat Party’s unbeatable nominee has been underway since the day Trump won the election in 2016. BEAT TRUMP is the criterion. They already decided that Donald Trump will up against every American living or dead, and all creatures great and small.

All of the talk about important topics in 2020 begins and ends with Democrat Party talking points. The ACA is a good deal; open-borders is what this country is; Democrats will stop global warming before Donald Trump burns the planet to a crisp.

Michelle Obama aside, Hillary Clinton deserves a do-over because she is the most admired woman in the universe. And indeed she is —— if you count liberals living in faraway galaxies.

If you happen to be superstitious about the number 13 you already know that 1913 was the worst year in America’s history with 2008 gaining ground fast.

The superstitious are breathing sighs of relief now that 1913 is far behind us. It matters not to numerologists that the country will continue on a downhill slide that began more than a century ago —— everything that was started in 1913 brought on the Great Depression, along with every other collectivist disaster in the past 100 years.

The next 100 years guarantees far worse that the last 100 years. A hundred years ago Socialists were acquiring political power. Today, they are well on their way to permanently installing their culture of death, a totalitarian government ruled by their presidents with unlimited power, a political Supreme Court, a cowardly congress, government-control of a compliant “free press,” open-borders, global government, and a parasite class that outnumbers the productive members of society.

Government economists talking about the economy in glowing terms is well underway. As insurance they phrase the message by pooh-poohing everything negative even when predictable catastrophes are inevitable à la 1913.

Embezzlers telling the public that unemployment is going down is called creative bookkeeping. It might be true! But only true for the parasite class getting government jobs —— millions of parasite jobs through the ACA, and millions more getting tax dollar jobs to rebuild the infrastructure; i.e., public schools

The difference between public sector jobs and government jobs is never mentioned as the number of permanently unemployed rises faster than the government parasites can put more parasites on government payrolls. The permanently unemployed amounts to at least 4 percent. Unemployment is above 10 percent when the permanently unemployed is included in unemployment nose counts.

Adding to the unemployment number —— at the same time adding to the growth of the parasite class —— demands silence about open-borders and twenty million illegal aliens. If you believe media mouths there never was an illegal alien problem. Nor do TV mouths ever connect amnesty for DACA in preparation for the next wave of illegals pouring in through no-borders demanding free stuff.

Finally, the polls that once proclaimed Hillary Clinton the most admired woman in the world also named the Chicago sewer rat the most admired man. Happily, Clinton has become a running gag.

The lying sack of shit is not running for anything in this country so why bother? Answer: Proclaiming him the most admired is supposed to rub off on Democrats. Innocence by association is the opposite of guilt by association.
Never have I. Where I live the NY Eve's scene is pretty dead. At the clubs you get to pay an extravagent door fee to receive a stupid hat and party favor. Then the cops are out circling like vultures to make sure drunks aren't killing people on the roads. Might as well stay at home and have a house party.
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Embezzlers telling the public that unemployment is going down is called creative bookkeeping. It might be true! But only true for the parasite class getting government jobs —— millions of parasite jobs through the ACA, and millions more getting tax dollar jobs to rebuild the infrastructure; i.e., public schools

The difference between public sector jobs and government jobs is never mentioned as the number of permanently unemployed rises faster than the government parasites can put more parasites on government payrolls. The permanently unemployed amounts to at least 4 percent. Unemployment is above 10 percent when the permanently unemployed is included in unemployment nose counts.

In spite of this overwhelming fact:

The sheer size of our government workforce is alarming — and we can't afford it
By Kristin Tate
04/14/19 06:00 PM EDT


Whatever Trump is pulling:

Trump, Pelosi agree to huddle on bipartisan infrastructure package
by Zachary Halaschak
| April 14, 2019 04:44 PM


infrastructure jobs are tax dollar jobs. Diarrhea mouth knows it, but maybe bullshit artist Trump is too goddamned stupid to know that whatever he gets from Democrats will increase the number of parasites holding PERMANENT tax dollar jobs.
Television is the Democrat Party’s press. Everybody working in television lives in fear they will lose their tax dollar incomes if they do not do what Democrats tell them to do.

These two articles define the Democrat Party’s Culture of Death. Television covering up the details in the first article is the primary reason Democrats condone murder —— literally:

In what could be one of the most prolific serial slayings in American history, an illegal alien from Kenya has been charged in the deaths of 12 elderly women in Texas.


CNN has not covered the case, the Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra pointed out via Twitter. NBC has reported it but has made no mention of Chemirmir’s immigration status.

NBC identified him as “a Texas man.”

Illegal alien charged for 12 murders in Texas
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 05/17/2019 @ 9:34 am


The next 100 years guarantees far worse that the last 100 years. A hundred years ago Socialists were acquiring political power. Today, they are well on their way to permanently installing their culture of death, a totalitarian government ruled by their presidents with unlimited power, a political Supreme Court, a cowardly congress, government-control of a compliant “free press,” open-borders, global government, and a parasite class that outnumbers the productive members of society.

I could be mistaken. The Democrat Party’s Culture of Death might be permanent:

America is now witnessing what unchecked and unfettered Democrat influence and indoctrination begat. Death, violence, injury, and destruction are all inherent in the political terrorism of "it takes a village," "democratic socialism," and "fundamental transformation."

May 17, 2019
Death Always Follows Democrat Policies
By Rich Logis

I have been in bed by 9:00 pm every December 31[SUP]st[/SUP] for the past forty years. Last night had to be the worst New Year's Eve of all:

'I'm embarrassed for America': Puzzled viewers slam NBC for its 'train-wreck' New Year's Eve coverage after it failed to show the ball drop and aired Chrissy Teigen talking about 'vaginal steaming'
By Emily Crane and Megan Sheets For Dailymail.com
Published: 08:19 EST, 1 January 2019 | Updated: 10:49 EST, 1 January 2019


Let me offer a treat for the old folks who greeted the new year in happier times by listening to Guy Lombardo (1902 - 1977) when the ball dropped:

I am not looking forward to leap year ushering in another presidential election year. Once again the media is celebrating under the Democrat banner. According to television happy-talk the year 2020 is going to be the best year the country ever had, but only if Donald Trump does not get a second term.

Media mouths scrambling to settle on the Democrat Party’s unbeatable nominee has been underway since the day Trump won the election in 2016. BEAT TRUMP is the criterion. They already decided that Donald Trump will up against every American living or dead, and all creatures great and small.

All of the talk about important topics in 2020 begins and ends with Democrat Party talking points. The ACA is a good deal; open-borders is what this country is; Democrats will stop global warming before Donald Trump burns the planet to a crisp.

Michelle Obama aside, Hillary Clinton deserves a do-over because she is the most admired woman in the universe. And indeed she is —— if you count liberals living in faraway galaxies.

If you happen to be superstitious about the number 13 you already know that 1913 was the worst year in America’s history with 2008 gaining ground fast.

The superstitious are breathing sighs of relief now that 1913 is far behind us. It matters not to numerologists that the country will continue on a downhill slide that began more than a century ago —— everything that was started in 1913 brought on the Great Depression, along with every other collectivist disaster in the past 100 years.

The next 100 years guarantees far worse that the last 100 years. A hundred years ago Socialists were acquiring political power. Today, they are well on their way to permanently installing their culture of death, a totalitarian government ruled by their presidents with unlimited power, a political Supreme Court, a cowardly congress, government-control of a compliant “free press,” open-borders, global government, and a parasite class that outnumbers the productive members of society.

Government economists talking about the economy in glowing terms is well underway. As insurance they phrase the message by pooh-poohing everything negative even when predictable catastrophes are inevitable à la 1913.

Embezzlers telling the public that unemployment is going down is called creative bookkeeping. It might be true! But only true for the parasite class getting government jobs —— millions of parasite jobs through the ACA, and millions more getting tax dollar jobs to rebuild the infrastructure; i.e., public schools

The difference between public sector jobs and government jobs is never mentioned as the number of permanently unemployed rises faster than the government parasites can put more parasites on government payrolls. The permanently unemployed amounts to at least 4 percent. Unemployment is above 10 percent when the permanently unemployed is included in unemployment nose counts.

Adding to the unemployment number —— at the same time adding to the growth of the parasite class —— demands silence about open-borders and twenty million illegal aliens. If you believe media mouths there never was an illegal alien problem. Nor do TV mouths ever connect amnesty for DACA in preparation for the next wave of illegals pouring in through no-borders demanding free stuff.

Finally, the polls that once proclaimed Hillary Clinton the most admired woman in the world also named the Chicago sewer rat the most admired man. Happily, Clinton has become a running gag.

The lying sack of shit is not running for anything in this country so why bother? Answer: Proclaiming him the most admired is supposed to rub off on Democrats. Innocence by association is the opposite of guilt by association.
