Celebrity endorsements for Trump/Harris


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“ Who Has Endorsed Kamala Harris—or Donald Trump? A Running List of Celebrity Endorsements”

Humorous to read thru the rationale of some of Trump’s supporters:

“ He’s just fucking funnyyy. He’s been through how many bankruptcies? How many wives? How many television shows?” - Azealia Banks (who ever the hell Azealia Banks is)

“ That motherfucker likes to win. He likes to cheat in his fucking golf game. I want that guy on my team.” - Kid Rock

“ I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re Black, white, gay, or straight. It’s all love. And that’s when it hit me: These are my people. This is where I belong.” - Amber Rose (appears Amber doesn’t know who Nick Fuentes is)

“ (Harris]) went to ‘first’ because of a media cabal hiding her shitty record and low Informed people who can’t research falling for it. This pick is great for MAGA” - Roseanne Barr

“ And I said, let Trump-a-mania run wild, brother. Let Trump-a-mania rule again. Let Trump-a-mania make America great again” - Hulk Hogan

Looks like a potential list of future celebrity apprentice candidates, all losers, but you got to love the rationale behind the endorsements
Not you too? You do know have no chance of ever catching up in the very hotly contested JPP Troll Thread contest...none...;) Just shake it off....
Dear Oprah, J-Lo, Chris Rock, and ALL yall muthafucking celebrities endorsing Kamala from your multi-million dollar mansions:

Yall can kiss my black ass.

Kamala Harris has co-signed the worst 4 years America has ever had.

Fuck yall for tryna give her another 4 years.

She can’t answer one damn question about how she plan to fix anything.

Because she muthafucking broke everything, and she planning to keep on breaking shit.

So again, FUCK YALL for smiling in my BLACK face and stabbing me in the back at the same damn time.

Yall the ones that woulda reported the slaves when they tried to escape.

“ Who Has Endorsed Kamala Harris—or Donald Trump? A Running List of Celebrity Endorsements”

Humorous to read thru the rationale of some of Trump’s supporters:

“ He’s just fucking funnyyy. He’s been through how many bankruptcies? How many wives? How many television shows?” - Azealia Banks (who ever the hell Azealia Banks is)

“ That motherfucker likes to win. He likes to cheat in his fucking golf game. I want that guy on my team.” - Kid Rock

“ I realized Donald Trump and his supporters don’t care if you’re Black, white, gay, or straight. It’s all love. And that’s when it hit me: These are my people. This is where I belong.” - Amber Rose (appears Amber doesn’t know who Nick Fuentes is)

“ (Harris]) went to ‘first’ because of a media cabal hiding her shitty record and low Informed people who can’t research falling for it. This pick is great for MAGA” - Roseanne Barr

“ And I said, let Trump-a-mania run wild, brother. Let Trump-a-mania rule again. Let Trump-a-mania make America great again” - Hulk Hogan

Looks like a potential list of future celebrity apprentice candidates, all losers, but you got to love the rationale behind the endorsements
you've forgotten a few.......he cut taxes for everyone, reduced border crossings, appointed three SC justices, spurred domestic energy production and kept inflation under 2.5% for his entire first term.......
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