Tranquillus in Exile
New member
On October 28, 1922, Mussolini and his Blackshirts made their ‘March on Rome’. It was a bit of a sham – Mussolini went by train – but King Victor Emmanuel still made him prime minister, figuring that the Fascists were a safer bet than the Socialists. Little did King Vic know (as we know now, thanks to certain JPP posters) that the Fascists were radical leftists!
Notable achievements of Mussolini’s rule:
1936: conquered Abyssinia (a League of Nations member).
1936-39: helped Franco win the Spanish Civil War.
1940: annexed Nice after the Germans overran France;
invaded Egypt - 130,000 surrendered (guess which side).
1941: lost Abyssinia to the British; declared war on the US.
1942: lost Libya.
1943: lost Sicily.
1943-45: lost Italy.
1945: shot by partisans and hung upside down.
On the plus side, Mussolini reputedly made the trains run on time. I will NOT make jokes such as “like his troops”.
Fratelli d'Italia,
Dov'è la Vittoria?
Notable achievements of Mussolini’s rule:
1936: conquered Abyssinia (a League of Nations member).
1936-39: helped Franco win the Spanish Civil War.
1940: annexed Nice after the Germans overran France;
invaded Egypt - 130,000 surrendered (guess which side).
1941: lost Abyssinia to the British; declared war on the US.
1942: lost Libya.
1943: lost Sicily.
1943-45: lost Italy.
1945: shot by partisans and hung upside down.
On the plus side, Mussolini reputedly made the trains run on time. I will NOT make jokes such as “like his troops”.
Fratelli d'Italia,
Dov'è la Vittoria?