Ch.2 The Red Devil’s Strategy to Destroy Mankind


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Translated from Chinese
The Ultimate Goal of Communism
By the editorial team of the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”

Chapter Two:
The Red Devil’s Strategy to Destroy Mankind

1. The Little-Known Marx – a Devil Worshipper

2. The Evil Specter’s Road Map for Destroying Humankind

The First Step: Budding in Europe

The Second Step: Experimentation in Russia

The Third Step: Taking Root in China

The Fourth Step: The US-Soviet Cold War Allowed the CCP to Destroy Traditional Chinese Culture behind Closed Doors

The Fifth Step: Soviet Union Disintegration, CCP’s Rising

The Sixth Step: The Economic Explosion Triggers Moral Collapse

The Seventh Step: The CCP Is Holding the World’s Morality Hostage with Economic Means

3. No Matter How the CCP Changes, Its Evilness Persists

4. Let People Taste a Little Sweetness First, Bitterness Comes Afterwards

5. The Secret Revealed by “Those Who Suffer Are Still Workers and Peasants”

6. The Ultimate Goal of Communism: The Destruction of Mankind