Chain migration has killed the nation


Verified User
You see the demographics change because of this from red to blue all over the nation .
One hardworking illegal becomes a citizen and brings in dozens of career welfare bums and states go bankrupt!!
Gop could have stopped this under Bush but both parties are making tens a billions a year on services for illegals and for the new chain migrates

This is the death of America

Do you want to live in Mexico City because that is your future
You see the demographics change because of this from red to blue all over the nation .
One hardworking illegal becomes a citizen and brings in dozens of career welfare bums and states go bankrupt!!
Gop could have stopped this under Bush but both parties are making tens a billions a year on services for illegals and for the new chain migrates

This is the death of America

Do you want to live in Mexico City because that is your future

Net migration with Mexico has been about zero for well over a decade now. Applying for family migration from Mexico can take decades. The relatives of citizens have the same no welfare requirements as any other immigrant, so there are no "welfare bums" in the process.
It's not chain migration when it includes our wannabe soft porn star First Lady. Its called "Family Unification"......)
40-50 million illegals here ...dummy

The best estimate I have seen is 12 million, so why should I believe you when you say it is 4 times higher. You would think someone would notice so many more people in America than anyone knows about.

30-40 million more people would eat a lot of food, and would use a lot of water. They would be noticed.
40-50 million illegals here ...dummy

This room has a ton of ignoramuses and all on left

I agree, its the Democrat morons like Wait who actually believe that the bureaucratic bullshit some government department for immigration spits out has got ANY bearing on reality, who are the root cause of a lot of the out of control legal (and illegal) immigration problem that America now has.

This one may be right. Trump's relatives came here and then sent for his mother to leave Germany and come here. That is chain migration and is a real disaster.