LOL. I've been laughing for days about this one. They take a concept from a 1990s video game and actually believe that it exists? What would be the function of a chainsaw bayonet? Cut a tripod from the surrounding vegetation before firing upon your target? And how would it be powered? In the video game it was just magic... you didn't have to fuel the thing or anything, but in reality there would need to be a source of significant power to make the thing function.
Anyway, anybody taking the media seriously on this subject after that hilarious attempt to scare stupid people into submission needs to take some lessons on what is cartoon and what is real and are one of the people that we should fear might jump off cliffs because Wyle E. Coyote never died....
Anyway, anybody taking the media seriously on this subject after that hilarious attempt to scare stupid people into submission needs to take some lessons on what is cartoon and what is real and are one of the people that we should fear might jump off cliffs because Wyle E. Coyote never died....