APP - Challenge to Rune


Dear Rune,

I firmly believe that it is immoral for the government to take the property of one individual to give to another. In my view, that is tantamount to slavery as you are abrogating the labor of another man against his will.

It is your contention that this position is "greedy" and "against the teaching of Jesus". You have also claimed on multiple occasions that "I want to pay higher taxes to help the poor"

It has recently come to my attention that you claim to own a boat that has "a replacement value of half a million dollars"

My challenge to you is this. Wouldn't it be a compassionate thing in the name of Jesus Christ for you to sell that boat and use the proceeds to help the poor? Think of the good you could do for a few needy families? Will you accept this challenge? If the answer is no then why wouldn't you do that?

And no this is not a silly diversion. This is a real world example based on comments you have made over the years. You have no problem with the government taking someones property to help the poor. But, why not willingly give up your property?