APP - Challenging the official Covid narrative


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I'd like to make a thread here that challenges the official Covid narrative, but before I seriously commit to this, I'd like to know any limits the moderators might have as to what can be challenged.

So I thought I'd make a list of subjects on Covid that I'd like to challenge and moderators, or those who think they'd know what the moderators would decide if the moderators are currently occupied, can let me know. I'll start with what I think are probably safer bets to be challenged and end with the most controversial:

1- The safety of the Covid vaccines.
2- The efficacy of the Covid vaccines
3- The efficacy and safety of various covid masks
4- The evidence, or lack thereof, that the monkeypox virus exists (not to be confused with evidence that something is causing monkeypox symptoms)
5- The evidence, or lack thereof, that the Covid virus exists (not to be confused with evidence that something is causing covid symptoms)

The last 2 are part of a larger issue, which is the evidence, or lack thereof, of contagious viruses to begin with. Definitely the most controversial, but there are a group of doctors that now hold this view.