I don't say this to be unkind or insulting in any way. It just happens to be the truth. But that isn't the bad part. The bad part, the absolutely tragic part is that chances are you prefer it that way. Just like the old saying, "Ignorance is bliss." But for a technological species, ignorance is a "luxury" we can ill afford.
But don't feel too bad. You could have a PhD in something and still be stupid. You might be smart as hell in whatever you have a PhD in. But beyond that is a different matter. There were even a couple books written on the matter. They are called, "The Book Of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong." And from what I have seen, for just about everything you think is right or true concerning the human condition, chances are the exact opposite is actually the case. (Though if you are the religious type, you could call it EVIL!)
One instance where you are probably wrong is if you think that we live in a Democracy. Our system of government more closely resembles a Plutocracy. Which is rule by the rich. But to put it more precisely, our system of government is actually a Kakistocracy. Which is rule by the incompetent and corrupt.
Obviously, our government is behind your almost certain stupidity. Probably because the stupid are easier to rule. Or to put it more precisely, easier to abuse. To help prove my point, I will show you something that was almost certainly said by a former director of the CIA named William Casey. And what he says the CIA does is no doubt with the help of government agencies such as the NSA, FBI, etc. And with the help of internet forums such as this one. Here is the quote.
What, too hard to believe? Well throughout the years the CIA has been known to experiment with various means of achieving brainwashing. (In that, maybe they succeeded) But when it comes to mind control over the population in general, nothing works better than stupidity.
Though there is what I would consider to be a secondary reason for the government to do what it does. First, if there is something that the government wants to keep secret, they have to keep it secret from the American public. Now if the government wants to keep the populations of other countries stupid, which they no doubt do, they have to see to it that the American public is stupid as well. In this, I have some words of wisdom for you by George Bernard Shaw. Heed them well.
There was also an author named Aldous Huxley who had some very insightful philosophies on the matter. I will show them to you.
Now comes the BIG question. Is there anybody here who doesn't like the fact that they are stupid? As well as a slave and a sucker? If so, just let me know. I can change that.
But don't feel too bad. You could have a PhD in something and still be stupid. You might be smart as hell in whatever you have a PhD in. But beyond that is a different matter. There were even a couple books written on the matter. They are called, "The Book Of General Ignorance: Everything You Think You Know Is Wrong." And from what I have seen, for just about everything you think is right or true concerning the human condition, chances are the exact opposite is actually the case. (Though if you are the religious type, you could call it EVIL!)
One instance where you are probably wrong is if you think that we live in a Democracy. Our system of government more closely resembles a Plutocracy. Which is rule by the rich. But to put it more precisely, our system of government is actually a Kakistocracy. Which is rule by the incompetent and corrupt.
Obviously, our government is behind your almost certain stupidity. Probably because the stupid are easier to rule. Or to put it more precisely, easier to abuse. To help prove my point, I will show you something that was almost certainly said by a former director of the CIA named William Casey. And what he says the CIA does is no doubt with the help of government agencies such as the NSA, FBI, etc. And with the help of internet forums such as this one. Here is the quote.
What, too hard to believe? Well throughout the years the CIA has been known to experiment with various means of achieving brainwashing. (In that, maybe they succeeded) But when it comes to mind control over the population in general, nothing works better than stupidity.
Though there is what I would consider to be a secondary reason for the government to do what it does. First, if there is something that the government wants to keep secret, they have to keep it secret from the American public. Now if the government wants to keep the populations of other countries stupid, which they no doubt do, they have to see to it that the American public is stupid as well. In this, I have some words of wisdom for you by George Bernard Shaw. Heed them well.
There was also an author named Aldous Huxley who had some very insightful philosophies on the matter. I will show them to you.
Now comes the BIG question. Is there anybody here who doesn't like the fact that they are stupid? As well as a slave and a sucker? If so, just let me know. I can change that.