Change for the better.


Shaken, not stirred!
I believe that when the Israeli people give Netanyahu and the Likund party the heave-ho, Israel will a more stable relationship with the Palestinians and neighboring countries and be more militarily secure.

Of course, that's just my opinion.
I believe that when the Israeli people give Netanyahu and the Likund party the heave-ho, Israel will a more stable relationship with the Palestinians and neighboring countries and be more militarily secure.

Of course, that's just my opinion.
It's too late. We can't put genocide back in the bottle. Israel will not survive this. There are a few top brass in our military that know this.
It's too late. We can't put genocide back in the bottle. Israel will not survive this. There are a few top brass in our military that know this.
Ahh, but how long? How much American $$ and military personnel before that happens? Time will tell.
Ahh, but how long? How much American $$ and military personnel before that happens? Time will tell.
First you have to think of Israel as a British now a US military outpost in the eastern Mediterranean. Israel is an apartheid state, a white supremacy state. They have been able to keep this quiet for 75 years, but the internet changed all that. In about 10 years, the world will figure out a way to end the psychosis we're all witness to.
I believe that when the Israeli people give Netanyahu and the Likund party the heave-ho, Israel will a more stable relationship with the Palestinians and neighboring countries and be more militarily secure.

Of course, that's just my opinion.
are you going to take away bebe's black ops budget he uses to create the opposition to keep the military industrial complex alive and humanity terrorized?
I believe that when the Israeli people give Netanyahu and the Likund party the heave-ho, Israel will a more stable relationship with the Palestinians and neighboring countries and be more militarily secure.

Of course, that's just my opinion.
By the same token, relationships might also improve if Palestinians gave radicals like Hamas the boot.
I believe that when the Israeli people give Netanyahu and the Likund party the heave-ho, Israel will a more stable relationship with the Palestinians and neighboring countries and be more militarily secure.

Of course, that's just my opinion.
That may the case however hamas doesn't give a shit about having a more stable relationship with Israel. Most Palestinians support Hamas and complely agree with what Hamas did on Oct 7. When will you people wake up?
I believe that when the Israeli people give Netanyahu and the Likund party the heave-ho, Israel will a more stable relationship with the Palestinians and neighboring countries and be more militarily secure.

Of course, that's just my opinion.
That's an optimistic view that could have merit.

I'm more inclined to think that both peoples are committed to the total extermination of the other, however,
The Palestinians have committed atrocities against Jews since the advent of Israel.

As for the Israelis, they're not unlike earlier Euros
who took over the lands of indigenous people here in America.
There has to be eternal resentment.

The human species has not yet evolved to the point
where visceral hatred isn't the most powerful and dominant human emotion,
and it may not survive long enough to do so.

I care about that less and less with each passing day.
However, as a Euro-American,
and particularly in view of Islamist violence against America,
I have to side 100% with Israel, even if many members of my political party don't.

There's no right and wrong to be considered here.
There are no good guys in the equation.
It's a daunting task to prove that good guys even exist.
It's a pure "us and them" paradigm, much like everything here in America.
