change you can believe in

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
Is this open to non Klan members?
I don't think the Klan is very supportive of deist, inter-racial, gay rights supporters (me). But thanks for your ignorant and sweeping generalizations. Glad to see you're becoming that which you claim to hate so much.
So Obama won the election, the biggest victory since the days of LBJ. And does nothing.

The Pussycrats really need to fold as a party and let someone else take the helm.
So Obama won the election, the biggest victory since the days of LBJ. And does nothing.

The Pussycrats really need to fold as a party and let someone else take the helm.
I'd like to say that South Park called it, as they aired a episode saying the same thing, THE DAY AFTER the election.