Change your Facebook Password...


Staff member

It’s more or less a given that Facebook is still sharing more of your information than you’d like it to despite its increased attention to privacy and security. But according to Symantec there just might be a whole lot of unwanted third-party access to your data due to unintentionally leaked access tokens.

As of April 2011, Symantec estimates that as many as 100,000 Facebook apps may have allowed access to leak — and with 20 million apps installed every day, that amounts to a huge number of tokens floating around. Symantec reported the issue to Facebook, and corrective action has been taken.

However, the fix only prevented new tokens from being leaked. Existing tokens are still usable and could allow third parties to access profile data, chat history, and pictures. Some may even be able to post messages. It’s a worrying prospect, but fortunately the fix is quite simple according to Symantec: change your Facebook password.

More at link...
I've had to change once so far because Russian hackers have tried to get into my account and the site security alerted me to change it.
You know

It's going to be weird in the future

Will our kids be able to see all of our history on the internet? Our old profiles? Our pictures and videos?

Scares the shit out of me.

hell I can't even keep a single identity on jpp