Chapter Eight(I): How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics


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How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World:

Chapter Eight: How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics (Part I)

Table of Contents


1. Communism Is the Politics of Humanity’s Destruction
a. Communist Regimes Use State Power to Carry Out Purges and Mass Murder
b. Socialist Ideology Prevails in Europe and the United States
c. Leftist Politics Aim to Control Political Parties, Legislatures, Governments, Supreme Courts
d. Left-Wing Administration Promoted Socialism and Crooked Policies

2. Politics Is Infused With the Cult of Communism
a. The Convergence of Politics and Religion in the CCP Cult
b. The Religious Character of Liberalism and Progressivism
c. Contemporary Liberalism and Progressivism: New Variants of Communism
* The Rebellion Against Classical Liberalism
* The Essence of Progressivism: Moral Perversion
* Liberalism and the Socialist Current of Progressivism

3. Inciting Hatred and Promoting Struggle Is the Invariable Course of Communist Politics


Almost everything in the modern world is somehow related to politics. A single policy, law, incident, or scandal can send the public into a frenzy. The election of a leader can draw attention around the globe.

Most people only associate communist politics with countries under the rule of a communist party and believe that even those countries have stopped practicing communism. In fact, communism has concealed itself under various guises, such as socialism, neoliberalism, and progressivism. Upon closer examination, it will be seen that the evil specter of communism governs the entire world.

Superficially, the free world appears to understand the harm wreaked by communism. Yet in the 170 years since the publication of The Communist Manifesto, governments around the globe have been openly or covertly influenced by Marxist theories. In some respects, the free world has unexpectedly surpassed the self-avowed communist states when it comes to putting these theories into practice.

America is the leader of the free world and a traditional bastion of anti-communism. Yet in the 2016 election, an openly socialist candidate came close to the presidency. In polls, over half of young men said they supported socialism. [1]

In Europe, socialism is already the prevailing political force. One European politician said: “Today it’s a combination of democracy, rule of law, and the welfare state, and I’d say a vast majority of Europeans defend this—the British Tories can’t touch the National Health Service without being beheaded.” [2]

In communist states, the communist specter enjoys total political power. It uses the state as an instrument to commit mass murder, demolish traditional culture, extinguish moral values, and persecute practitioners of righteous cultivation ways—with the ultimate aim of destroying humanity.

Communist ideology persists despite the fall of the communist regimes in Eastern Europe. In the wake of the Cold War, following decades of destruction wrought by espionage and subversion, the specter of communism is running rampant across the entire continent.

Though the communist specter failed in its attempt to bring the Western world under its direct state control, it subverted the governance of Western nations by advocating socialist policies, inciting violence, undermining traditional morality, and causing social unrest. It intends to set the West down a demonic path as it goes about the destruction of humankind. Given the vital role that the United States plays as the head of the free world, this chapter is primarily concerned with the American situation.

1. Communism Is the Politics of Humanity’s Destruction

Communist politics are not restricted to the totalitarianism practiced in communist states. As we emphasize, communism is a specter of supernatural power. It manipulates the thoughts of evildoers and deceives the gullible to act as its agents in the human realm. Donning alternative forms, the evil specter of communism has hijacked the political process of free nations in the Western world.

a. Communist Regimes Use State Power to Carry Out Purges and Mass

In many Eastern countries, communism usurped power directly, bringing the full spectrum of politics under its control. Whether through mass killing, internal struggle and purging within the Communist Party, or by the subversion of the outside world, its political aims are the permanent maintenance of its power and the perpetual expansion of its influence. Communist regimes pool the resources of entire nations, including the army, police, judiciary, prisons, education, media, and the like, to murder and persecute their own people while destroying their morality.

The totalitarian communists maintained their violent rule by launching massive campaigns to destroy people. They range from the notorious gulag concentration camps of the Soviet Union and the political purges and power struggle within the Soviet Communist Party, to the ten internal political struggles of the Chinese Communist Party and the slaughter of the Chinese people in various political movements. These include most recently the persecution of Falun Gong. For this campaign, former Party leader Jiang Zemin dedicated at least a quarter of China’s financial resources to repress adherents of the Falun Gong spiritual practice.

The followers of the Communist Party are well aware that power is the core concern of communist politics. When Marx and Engels, the founding fathers of communism, drew up lessons to be learned from the Paris Commune, they emphasized the need to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. Lenin took this to heart and used violence to build the first communist totalitarian dictatorship. Stalin and Mao Zedong used deception, guns, propaganda, conspiracy, and the like to usurp power and maintain their brutal regimes. With absolute power in their hands, it became possible to kill and corrupt absolutely.

b. Socialist Ideology Prevails in Europe and the United States

Europe is already in the grip of socialist ideology and policies. The United States is a special country. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the communist movement raged across Europe, its impact on the United States was limited. In 1906, German scholar Werner Sombart wrote a book on the topic called Why Is There No Socialism in the United States? [3] But the situation has since changed dramatically.

In 2016, a candidate of a major American political party openly promoted socialism in his campaign for the U.S. presidency. In communist vocabulary, socialism is just the “primary stage” of communism, and it was once viewed with scorn by most Americans. But the candidate said that he thinks there are a lot of people who get very nervous when they hear the word “socialist.” This politician managed to become one of the two leading candidates in his party.

A poll taken toward the end of the 2016 campaign showed that in one of the major leftist parties, 56 percent of people said they had a positive opinion toward socialism, continuing a trend suggested in 2011 by the Pew Research Center. [4] The Pew poll showed that 49 percent of U.S. citizens under the age of 30 viewed socialism positively, but only 47 percent were positive toward capitalism. [5] This marks an overall ideological shift to the left as society loses its understanding of communism.

The illusions that many in the West hold about socialism today mirror the experiences of countless impressionable young people who embraced communism in the last century in the Soviet Union, China, and elsewhere. The younger generation lacks deep understanding of their own history, culture, and traditions. Their resistance to socialism, which to them looks mild and humane, is nonexistent. The great communist deception of the 20th century is coming to repeat itself in the 21st.

Marx’s axiom “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need” is quite effective in deceiving the young, who fantasize about a life of generous socialist welfare as seen in the Nordic countries. These countries’ welfare systems have caused many social problems, but all attempts to bring about fundamental changes to the systems are stonewalled by the multitude of welfare recipients. The only electable politicians are those who continue to expand taxation and government intervention by using anticipated revenue.[Read more in PDF]