Chapter Eight(II): How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics


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How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World:

Chapter Eight: How Communism Sows Chaos in Politics (Part II)

Table of Contents (continued)

4. Violence and Lies: The Primary Methods of Control in Communist Politics
a. Violence and Lies Under Communist Totalitarianism
b. How Communism Instigates Violence in the West
c. How Communist Lies Confuse the West

5. Totalitarianism: The Consequence of Communist Politics
a. Totalitarianism Eradicates Free Will and Suppresses Kindness
b. From Cradle to Grave: The Welfare System
c. Excessive Laws Pave the Way for Totalitarianism
d. Using Technology to Exert Control

6. Communism’s Total War Against the West



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4. Violence and Lies: The Primary Methods of Control in Communist Politics

In communist doctrine, no means are considered too excessive. Communist parties publicly proclaim that violence and lies are their tools for conquering and ruling the world. From the first appearance of the communist regime in the Soviet Union to today, within the short space of a century, communism caused the death of around 100 million people. Communist Party members murdered, burned, abducted, and lied. They used every extreme method possible. The degree of their evil is shocking. Furthermore, most participants have no regrets.

The lies fabricated by the evil specter of communism vary in magnitude, both in communist countries and in the West. A hoax, fake news, or the framing of a political opponent — these are relatively small lies. Creating a series of systematic lies of considerable scale through complex operations could be considered mid-scale lies. For instance, to incite hatred against Falun Gong, the CCP concocted the Tiananmen Square self-immolation incident, a staged hoax.

The Big Lie is also used, and this is the hardest to manage because the Big Lie is almost equivalent to the essence of the evil specter. Its scale is so enormous, its operations so multifaceted, its duration so long, and the population it touches so numerous — including some who are sincerely dedicated to the cause — that the reality that it is all part of a Big Lie is lost.

The communist specter fabricated the lie of “great unity” as the goal of communism. Because the claim could not be disproven, at least not in the short term, this was the Big Lie on which the entire communist project was based.

The previous chapter analyzed the notion of progressivism as usurped by communism, and this is also part of the Big Lie. In the past few decades, communism has hijacked a number of social movements and brought people to turmoil and revolution, which the evil specter wants. One example is the environmental movement, which will be discussed in Chapter Sixteen.

a. Violence and Lies Under Communist Totalitarianism

Communist parties encourage class conflict — and such conflict is a struggle to the death. As The Communist Manifesto says: “The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. They openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.” [1]

Lenin also wrote in The State and Revolution: “We have already said above, and shall show more fully later, that the theory of Marx and Engels of the inevitability of a violent revolution refers to the bourgeois state. The latter cannot be superseded by the proletarian state (the dictatorship of the proletariat) through the process of ‘withering away,’ but as a general rule, only through a violent revolution.” [2]

During the process of seizing power, whether during the Paris Commune, the Russian Revolution, or the Worker-Farmer Movement instigated by the CCP, communist parties use extremely violent and bloody methods. Regardless of whether their enemies are old or weak, they burned, robbed, and murdered, exhibiting a wickedness that shocks the soul. So numerous are the crimes that have been committed under violent communist regimes that they are almost impossible to count.

The communist cult employs violence and lies to maintain power. Lies are lubricants for the violence and also a way of enslaving the public. Lying is necessary for punctuating the violence, and while sometimes violence is suspended, continual lies are the norm. Communist parties are willing to promise anything, but never consider making good on their promises. To satisfy their needs, they can change their stories as much as they like, with no moral baseline and no sense of shame.

Communists claimed that they were establishing a heaven on earth, but this is precisely their greatest lie, and the only fruit it has borne is a hell on earth.

Mao Zedong of China, Ahmed Ben Bella of Algeria, and Fidel Castro of Cuba all claimed that they would never establish totalitarian regimes. But once in power, they immediately initiated high-pressure totalitarianism, purging the party and persecuting dissidents and members of the public.

Communist parties also cunningly distorted their own language. Language manipulation is one of the main methods the communist cult uses to deceive people — that is, altering the meaning of words, and even turning words into their opposites. As the altered language is repeatedly used, its distorted meanings become deeply rooted in people’s minds. For example, “god” gets equated to “superstition”; “tradition” equates to “backwardness,” “foolishness,” and “feudalism”; “Western society” is equated with “hostile” or “anti-China forces”; the “proletariat” becomes “the masters of state-owned assets.” Though the public has no power, the communists say that “all power belongs to the people.” Pointing out injustice is “inciting subversion of state power” and so on. Therefore, when talking to people who are deeply poisoned by the communist evil cult, people tend to find that the two sides often lack a shared basis for communication because the meanings of words have been so altered.

The cult of communism not only tells its own lies, but also creates an environment to make the entire population join it in lying — including by forced political study, the expressions of one’s political stance, and political vetting. This is meant to force people to say things they don’t believe and thus demoralize them and degrade their sense of doing the right thing. The Ten Commandments warn that one “shall not give false testimony.” Confucius said, “If the people have no faith in their rulers, there is no standing for the state.”

After people become aware of the fabrications of the communist cult, they respond with further lying. The communist evil cult knows that people are lying to it, but this is acceptable because lying itself is part of the game. The danger for communists is when people start telling the truth. The enforcement of a culture of falsehood is a means of moral degeneration, engineered by the communists. This series of essays has noted repeatedly that the Chinese regime desires not only to kill the physical body, but also to engender extreme moral corruption. In this regard, the regime has partially achieved its goal.

b. How Communism Instigates Violence in the West

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