Chapter Six: The Revolt Against God


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How the Specter of Communism Is Ruling Our World:

Chapter Six: The Revolt Against God

Table of Contents


1. In the East: A Violent Revolt Against God
a. How the Soviet Union Destroyed Orthodox Religions With Violence
b. The Chinese Communist Party’s Destruction of Culture, Religion, and Severance of the Connection Between Man and God

2. In the West: Infiltrating and Restricting Religions
a. Infiltrating Religion
b. Restricting Religion

3. The Twisted Theology of the Communist Specter

4. Religious Chaos



Almost all peoples of the world have their own ancient myths and legends that discuss man’s creation by their gods, in the image of God, and which lay the foundation of morality and culture for that people. These traditions leave a path of return to Heaven for those who believe in their gods. In the East and West, there are records and legends about how Nüwa and Jehovah created their people.

Gods admonish man to follow the commandments of gods or be punished by them. In times of widespread moral decay, gods destroy man in order to preserve the purity of the universe. Many races in the world have legends about how great floods destroyed civilizations. Some were recorded in detail.

In order to maintain the morality of human beings, there are times when enlightened beings or prophets reincarnate in the human world to rectify people’s hearts, to stop them from being destroyed, and to lead those civilizations to develop and mature. Such individuals include Moses and Jesus in the West, Laozi in the East, Sakyamuni in India, and Socrates in ancient Greece.

Human history and culture help people understand what Buddhas, Taos, and gods are; what it means to believe in God; and how to practice cultivation. The different schools of practice teach what is righteous and what is evil, how to distinguish truth from falsehood and good from evil, and finally they teach man to await the Creator’s return to Earth before the end of the world in order to be saved and return to Heaven.

Once people sever their connection with the god that created them, their morality will quickly deteriorate. Some races thus disappeared, such as the legendary Atlantis civilization, which was buried in the sea overnight.

In the East, especially in China, beliefs are rooted in the hearts of people through traditional culture. Therefore, it is difficult to deceive the Chinese people into accepting atheism with simple lies. In order to uproot the 5,000 years of beliefs and culture, the communist evil specter used large-scale violence to slaughter the elites who had inherited traditional culture and then used lies to deceive young people from generation to generation.

In the West and other parts of the world, religions and beliefs are the main forms of maintaining contact between man and gods, and are also important cornerstones for maintaining moral standards. Although the communist evil specter failed to establish communist tyranny in these countries, it achieved its goal of destroying orthodox religions and corrupting human beings by deception, deviance, and infiltration.

1. The East: A Violent Revolt Against God

a. How the Soviet Union Destroyed Orthodox Religions With Violence

The Communist Manifesto calls for the destruction of the family, the church, and the nation-state. Obviously, eliminating and subverting religions is one of the important goals of the Communist Party.

From believing in gods to becoming a follower of Satan, Marx knew clearly the existence of gods and the devil. He also knew clearly that unvarnished demonic teachings were hard for people—especially religious people—to accept. Therefore he advocated atheism from the start, declaring that “religion is the opium of the people,” and “communism begins from the outset with atheism,” [1] and so on.

People don’t need to worship the devil, but as long as people no longer believe in gods, the devil can corrupt and occupy the soul and eventually drag people toward Hell. That is why communist parties sing: “There has never been any savior of the world, / Nor deities, nor emperors on which to depend. / To create Humankind’s happiness / We must entirely depend on ourselves!”

Marx vilified religions and righteous gods in theory, while Lenin was able to use the machinery of the state to attack them after seizing power in 1917. Lenin used violence and other high-pressure tactics to oppress orthodox religions and righteous faith in order to force people to depart from gods.

In 1919, Lenin began the large-scale elimination of religion under the name of prohibiting spreading old thoughts. In 1922, Lenin passed a secret resolution stipulating that property of value, especially from the very richest religious institutions, must be carried out “with ruthless resolution, leaving nothing in doubt, and in the very shortest time.” He declared: “The greater the number of representatives of the reactionary clergy and the reactionary bourgeoisie that we succeed in shooting on this occasion, the better because this ‘audience’ must precisely now be taught a lesson in such a way that they will not dare to think about any resistance whatsoever for several decades.” [2]

For a time, a large amount of church property was looted, churches and monasteries were closed, a large number of the clergy were arrested, and thousands of the Orthodox clergy were executed.

After Lenin died, Stalin followed Lenin and started an extremely cruel cleansing in the 1930s. Apart from Communist Party members, intellectuals and people in the religious field were included in the cleansing. Stalin ordered the whole country to implement the Five-Year Plan of Atheism. He declared that when he completed the plan, the last church would be closed, the last priest would be destroyed, the Soviet Union would become a fertile land for communist atheism, and one would not find a trace of religion any longer.[Read more in PDF]