Chardonnay Bloat


Verified User
The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

I never wondered:

Now it’s difficult not to wonder if Clinton is pining for another go at Trump to try and prove that she has what it takes to oust him from the Oval Office.


Hillary Clinton is a roulette wheel where chips are placed on her infirmities instead of on numbers, while Biden is rapidly descending into senility:

The conventional wisdom is that Biden is too old to make a real run for it and that Elizabeth Warren is too left-wing. Wall Street hates her as much as she hates it. By contrast, Hillary comes from what used to be called the New Democrat wing of the party. Wall Street loves her as much as she loves it. If she jumped in the race now, she could argue that now more than ever Democrats need her to regain what was stolen from them in 2016. The name of her book about the race was called What Happened. Now she could declare, ‘It’s happening!’

Hillary Clinton 2020?
Jacob Heilbrunn
September 28, 2019
10:39 AM

Thomas Lifson has an interesting take on Hillary’s last hurrah:

Hillary Clinton remains shackled to her lust for power and revenge and now is signaling that she may enter the Democrats' presidential contest when ex–vice president Joe Biden withdraws and serves as the fall guy for Ukraine's collusion with her 2016 presidential campaign. She realizes that her party's frenzy to unseat President Trump will consume the ambition of the hapless halfwit to gain the Oval Office that rightfully belongs to her, as his familial dirty laundry is aired in an effort to find Trump impeachment fodder in Ukraine.

Clinton may have lost the booze-bloat in her face, but I am betting she has a liver the size of 16 pound medicine ball:

Hillary is not committing to the race, but keeping that option very open. It is evident from her latest video statement that a lot of work has gone into her appearance recently, with her face losing the bloat that had recently developed from her chardonnay-guzzling, and her hairstyle and outfit looking business-like.

September 27, 2019
As Biden falters, Hillary attacks Trump and positions herself to enter presidential race
By Thomas Lifson

This is Clinton’s primary roadblock:

State Department Widens Investigation into Clinton Email Server
by Joshua Caplan
28 Sep 2019

Let me offer two possible outcomes for consideration:

1. All of Hillary Clinton’s criminal problems disappear forever if she, or any, Democrat wins the general election next November.

2. Trump wins a second term. Hillary Clinton is arrested, tried, convicted, and sent to prison for life. A life sentence for treason guaranties that no Democrat can win a presidential election for as long as she is alive in a federal prison because the next Democrat president will pardon her and everybody else found guilty of treason.

NOTE: Hillary remaining in prison well into her nineties means that Democrats will lose six presidential elections throughout her incarceration. Contrary to television’s view of the public’s short attention span most Americans have long memories in things that are important to them.

Finally, impeaching President Trump and all of the other horse manure television mouths are spreading around is classic media misdirection. The real reason Democrats are so desperate to win the White House in 2020 is to prevent President Trump’s Justice Department from putting Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators in prison for treason.

Incidentally, Trump’s biggest fear should be not getting a fair shake in the general election. Democrats knew they cannot defeat him on the square.

p.s. Should Hillary Clinton become the Democrat Party’s candidate she is not going to get burned by the Constitution a second time. Even now Democrats are working overtime to rig the votes in the Electoral College with or without claiming a popular vote victory.
The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

I never wondered:

Now it’s difficult not to wonder if Clinton is pining for another go at Trump to try and prove that she has what it takes to oust him from the Oval Office.

Hillary Clinton is a roulette wheel where chips are placed on her infirmities instead of on numbers, while Biden is rapidly descending into senility:

The conventional wisdom is that Biden is too old to make a real run for it and that Elizabeth Warren is too left-wing. Wall Street hates her as much as she hates it. By contrast, Hillary comes from what used to be called the New Democrat wing of the party. Wall Street loves her as much as she loves it. If she jumped in the race now, she could argue that now more than ever Democrats need her to regain what was stolen from them in 2016. The name of her book about the race was called What Happened. Now she could declare, ‘It’s happening!’

Hillary Clinton 2020?
Jacob Heilbrunn
September 28, 2019
10:39 AM

Thomas Lifson has an interesting take on Hillary’s last hurrah:

Hillary Clinton remains shackled to her lust for power and revenge and now is signaling that she may enter the Democrats' presidential contest when ex–vice president Joe Biden withdraws and serves as the fall guy for Ukraine's collusion with her 2016 presidential campaign. She realizes that her party's frenzy to unseat President Trump will consume the ambition of the hapless halfwit to gain the Oval Office that rightfully belongs to her, as his familial dirty laundry is aired in an effort to find Trump impeachment fodder in Ukraine.

Clinton may have lost the booze-bloat in her face, but I am betting she has a liver the size of 16 pound medicine ball:

Hillary is not committing to the race, but keeping that option very open. It is evident from her latest video statement that a lot of work has gone into her appearance recently, with her face losing the bloat that had recently developed from her chardonnay-guzzling, and her hairstyle and outfit looking business-like.

September 27, 2019
As Biden falters, Hillary attacks Trump and positions herself to enter presidential race
By Thomas Lifson

This is Clinton’s primary roadblock:

State Department Widens Investigation into Clinton Email Server
by Joshua Caplan
28 Sep 2019

Let me offer two possible outcomes for consideration:

1. All of Hillary Clinton’s criminal problems disappear forever if she, or any, Democrat wins the general election next November.

2. Trump wins a second term. Hillary Clinton is arrested, tried, convicted, and sent to prison for life. A life sentence for treason guaranties that no Democrat can win a presidential election for as long as she is alive in a federal prison because the next Democrat president will pardon her and everybody else found guilty of treason.

NOTE: Hillary remaining in prison well into her nineties means that Democrats will lose six presidential elections throughout her incarceration. Contrary to television’s view of the public’s short attention span most Americans have long memories in things that are important to them.

Finally, impeaching President Trump and all of the other horse manure television mouths are spreading around is classic media misdirection. The real reason Democrats are so desperate to win the White House in 2020 is to prevent President Trump’s Justice Department from putting Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators in prison for treason.

Incidentally, Trump’s biggest fear should be not getting a fair shake in the general election. Democrats knew they cannot defeat him on the square.

p.s. Should Hillary Clinton become the Democrat Party’s candidate she is not going to get burned by the Constitution a second time. Even now Democrats are working overtime to rig the votes in the Electoral College with or without claiming a popular vote victory.

You should seriously get help with your drinking.
You should seriously get help with your drinking.

To CharacterAssassin: I am working on it:

You need help with your Biden problem: Bubba began digging for the truth twenty years ago. Little did he know that he was digging Biden’s grave.

Jesse Watters is okay. I did not see this three days ago because I would not watch The Five if FOX offered me a free lifetime supply of chocolate candy and a million dollars:


Jesse Watters Forces Juan Williams To ‘Give Up’ When He Pulls Out ‘Mutual Legal Assistance’ Treaty With Ukraine
Scott Morefield
September 26, 2019 11:07 PM ET
Last edited:
To CharacterAssassin: I am working on it:

You need with your Biden problem: Bubba began digging for the truth twenty years ago. Little did he know that he was digging Biden’s grave.

Jesse Watters is okay. I did not see this three days ago because I would not watch The Five if FOX offered me a free lifetime supply of chocolate candy and a million dollars:


Jesse Watters Forces Juan Williams To ‘Give Up’ When He Pulls Out ‘Mutual Legal Assistance’ Treaty With Ukraine
Scott Morefield
September 26, 2019 11:07 PM ET

I hope your parole officer doesn't find out, ma'am.
The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

I never wondered:

Now it’s difficult not to wonder if Clinton is pining for another go at Trump to try and prove that she has what it takes to oust him from the Oval Office.

Hillary Clinton is a roulette wheel where chips are placed on her infirmities instead of on numbers, while Biden is rapidly descending into senility:

The conventional wisdom is that Biden is too old to make a real run for it and that Elizabeth Warren is too left-wing. Wall Street hates her as much as she hates it. By contrast, Hillary comes from what used to be called the New Democrat wing of the party. Wall Street loves her as much as she loves it. If she jumped in the race now, she could argue that now more than ever Democrats need her to regain what was stolen from them in 2016. The name of her book about the race was called What Happened. Now she could declare, ‘It’s happening!’

Hillary Clinton 2020?
Jacob Heilbrunn
September 28, 2019
10:39 AM

Thomas Lifson has an interesting take on Hillary’s last hurrah:

Hillary Clinton remains shackled to her lust for power and revenge and now is signaling that she may enter the Democrats' presidential contest when ex–vice president Joe Biden withdraws and serves as the fall guy for Ukraine's collusion with her 2016 presidential campaign. She realizes that her party's frenzy to unseat President Trump will consume the ambition of the hapless halfwit to gain the Oval Office that rightfully belongs to her, as his familial dirty laundry is aired in an effort to find Trump impeachment fodder in Ukraine.

Clinton may have lost the booze-bloat in her face, but I am betting she has a liver the size of 16 pound medicine ball:

Hillary is not committing to the race, but keeping that option very open. It is evident from her latest video statement that a lot of work has gone into her appearance recently, with her face losing the bloat that had recently developed from her chardonnay-guzzling, and her hairstyle and outfit looking business-like.

September 27, 2019
As Biden falters, Hillary attacks Trump and positions herself to enter presidential race
By Thomas Lifson

This is Clinton’s primary roadblock:

State Department Widens Investigation into Clinton Email Server
by Joshua Caplan
28 Sep 2019

Let me offer two possible outcomes for consideration:

1. All of Hillary Clinton’s criminal problems disappear forever if she, or any, Democrat wins the general election next November.

2. Trump wins a second term. Hillary Clinton is arrested, tried, convicted, and sent to prison for life. A life sentence for treason guaranties that no Democrat can win a presidential election for as long as she is alive in a federal prison because the next Democrat president will pardon her and everybody else found guilty of treason.

NOTE: Hillary remaining in prison well into her nineties means that Democrats will lose six presidential elections throughout her incarceration. Contrary to television’s view of the public’s short attention span most Americans have long memories in things that are important to them.

Finally, impeaching President Trump and all of the other horse manure television mouths are spreading around is classic media misdirection. The real reason Democrats are so desperate to win the White House in 2020 is to prevent President Trump’s Justice Department from putting Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators in prison for treason.

Incidentally, Trump’s biggest fear should be not getting a fair shake in the general election. Democrats knew they cannot defeat him on the square.

p.s. Should Hillary Clinton become the Democrat Party’s candidate she is not going to get burned by the Constitution a second time. Even now Democrats are working overtime to rig the votes in the Electoral College with or without claiming a popular vote victory.

All anybody has to say it that NAFTA and GATT wasn't good for America. Maybe if she campaigned that she would put a stop to what her husband started, she might have a chance. But chances are it would be just another campaign promise to break. Like what chump Trump did with his promise to deport 11 million illegals.​

Catatonic Joe woke up long enough to invoke the:

The fairness doctrine of the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC), introduced in 1949, was a policy that required the holders of broadcast licenses both to present controversial issues of public importance and to do so in a manner that was—in the FCC's view—honest, equitable, and balanced. The FCC eliminated the policy in 1987 and removed the rule that implemented the policy from the Federal Register in August 2011.

Having Socialist/Communist messages heard on TV was the sole purpose for the Fairness Doctrine when it was introduced in television’s infancy.

NOTE: Democrats never demanded a captive radio audience in the decades before television.

I do not have to watch the alphabet networks to know that they give Biden all the face time he wants. Obviously, Biden is complaining about FOX even though:

FOX executives always enforced their own version of the Fairness Doctrine by supplying more conservative ears to liberal talking points than does the alphabet networks combined.

FOX’s rating are high because liberals also watch FOX, while conservatives do not watch overtly liberal networks. FOX fools a substantial audience into believing it is the voice of conservative values. If you listen closely you will see that FOX’s conservative values always come down on the side of the New World Order’s agenda; big government, global government, the United Nations, and every other policy that true conservatives oppose.


Were it not for the Fairness Doctrine’s last stronghold on FOX, the Democrat Party’s collectivist message would be heard by less than two percent of Americans who take the time to stay informed. I cannot see that number changing because FOX liberals moved up to the top of the pecking order after the Murdoch Boys took over.

Frankly, I do not know what Biden is whining about. I surfed into Biden and his surrogates on FOX a lot more than I ever saw Giuliani. In fact, every one of those FOX liberals became a mouthpiece for Biden on the day he announced he was running —— AGAIN.

The campaign also asked that equal time be awarded to Biden-campaign surrogates should the networks continue to invite Giuliani on the air.

The Biden Campaign Wants Giuliani Off the Air
By Chas Danner
11:54 P.M.

The truth is: Biden knows he cannot shut up Giuliani; so he is telling FOX to force their audience to listen to him:

The long-running debate used to be about the government shutting up people. Now, go back to Oliver Wendell Holmes’ often misquoted opinion: "Falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater.”, and come forward. You will see that before the Fairness Doctrine (1949 - 1987) was implemented no one was required to listen. Nowadays, freedom of speech is more about making people listen than it is about shutting them up.
I want to talk about the importance of words and the context they create. And I want to urge everybody who's fair to never use the word "impeachment" for the current political process, because it has nothing to do with an impeachment.

Newt Gingrich: Don't call it impeachment — Call it a witch hunt
Newt Gingrich
7-9 minutes

Sorry, Mr. Newt. I call it a CONSPIRACY:

Finally, impeaching President Trump and all of the other horse manure television mouths are spreading around is classic media misdirection. The real reason Democrats are so desperate to win the White House in 2020 is to prevent President Trump’s Justice Department from putting Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators in prison for treason.
I wonder why all of those smart people in Trump’s corner cannot call it what it is?

New Team Trump campaign ad: Coup
Ed Morrissey
Posted at 2:01 pm on October 2, 2019

plural coups

1. A brilliantly executed stratagem; a masterstroke.

2. A coup d'état.

3. Among certain Native American peoples, a feat of bravery performed in battle, especially the touching of an enemy's body without causing injury.

— idiom.
count coup
Among certain Native American peoples, to ceremoniously recount one's exploits in battle.

It is a goddamned CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY not a coup or a witch hunt:

Newt Gingrich: Don't call it impeachment — Call it a witch hunt
Newt Gingrich
7-9 minutes

Sorry, Mr. Newt. I call it a CONSPIRACY:
The Clinton machine can waltz in and steal the nomination in a deadlocked convention. Forget that Hillary is old and sick. She does not have to campaign for the nomination. She has women and blacks sewed up, and she will not spend a penny until after she gets the nomination. If beating Trump is the game, Hillary has the “I won the popular vote.” fairytale going for her. Naturally, she has to avoid being indicted before the general election.

The smart money says Hillary will run AGAIN.

‘Hillary For 2020’ The Stupidest Democrat Coup Of Them All
By Judi McLeod
October 23, 2019

This time Hillary will run on the false claim that she won the popular vote.

My point: Has anybody else noticed that Al Gore can run on the same false claim?

Happily, President Trump is already blessed with a busload of circus clown opponents. Only a good angel with a wild sense of humor would add Clinton and Gore to the list.

Be still my foolish heart. I would love to see clown emeritus, Al Gore, try again.

Picture this brokered convention:

1. Hillary Clinton with her feminazis and degenerates on one side.

2. Al Gore and his parasite environmental wack jobs on the other side.

p.s. Nothing could be better for the country than John Kerry and his traitors challenging Clinton and Gore for the nomination.
Big money Democrat Party donors are gluttons for punishment:

Last week, the New York Times surveyed an “anxious Democratic Establishment” and found people casting about for new presidential candidates, and some prospective candidates giving a late entry into the race at least of modicum of thought.

Former Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, . . .

Thinking of a Late Entry Into the 2020 Primary? Think Again.
By Bill Scher
October 28, 2019

I feel guilty because there are so many losers to chose from I am having trouble predicting the biggest loser; so I decided to put two traitors on the same ticket —— Hillary Clinton & John Kerry or John Kerry & Hillary Clinton. Both have a lot to offer to honest federal prosecutors. In a just world both would go to prison sooner rather than later.

Be still my foolish heart. I would love to see clown emeritus, Al Gore, try again.

Picture this brokered convention:

1. Hillary Clinton with her feminazis and degenerates on one side.

2. Al Gore and his parasite environmental wack jobs on the other side.

p.s. Nothing could be better for the country than John Kerry and his traitors challenging Clinton and Gore for the nomination.
Were it not for the Fairness Doctrine’s last stronghold on FOX, the Democrat Party’s collectivist message would be heard by less than two percent of Americans who take the time to stay informed. I cannot see that number changing because FOX liberals moved up to the top of the pecking order after the Murdoch Boys took over.​

At long last it is official. FOX is another Democrat (parasite government) network.

Biden & Company do better on FOX than on Twitter.

Twitter censors. FOX tells lies nobody believes:

'We did it!' Wife of Fox News heir goes public after Fox declares Biden winner
By Joe Kovacs
Published November 8, 2020 at 3:26pm