Charles Blow, in a Tweet to the NYT today


In Yo Face!
...last 4 paragraphs....this is going to be a very hot topic the next week's.

"In his essay “Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880,” W.E.B. Du Bois discussed why poor whites didn’t make common cause with poor blacks and slaves but instead prized their roles as overseers and slave catchers, eagerly joining the Klan. This fed the white man’s “vanity because it associated him with the masters,” Du Bois wrote.

He continued:

“Slavery bred in the poor white a dislike of Negro toil of all sorts. He never regarded himself as a laborer, or as part of any labor movement. If he had any ambition at all it was to become a planter and to own ‘ni÷:%*&s.’ {I edited this}, To these Negroes he transferred all the dislike and hatred which he had for the whole slave system. The result was that the system was held stable and intact by the poor white.”

For white supremacy to be made perfect, the lowest white man must be exalted above those who are black.

No matter how much of an embarrassment and a failure Trump proves to be, his exploits must be judged a success. He must be deemed a correction to Barack Obama and a superior choice to Hillary Clinton. White supremacy demands it. Patriarchy demands it. Trump’s supporters demand it." NYT today - Democratic Underground&txt=Tweet

Well ... that explains all the White Anxiety
Give that man a Cigar....


Lemme guess, another refugee from that SHITHOLE known as tPF, and the redneck asshole mods over there, amiright?

I think we have a few others here from that wretched dump, too.
Give that man a Cigar....


Lemme guess, another refugee from that SHITHOLE known as tPF, and the redneck asshole mods over there, amiright?

I think we have a few others here from that wretched dump, too.

Trust me, I'm not a Redneck, and I spit in the eye of tPF :)
Oh yea, my bad.

I sneak in every now and them through my back door to test the waters.

Cigar Lives

That place sucks.

Over moderated by a bunch of fuckheads (or peterheads) with personal agendas.

Fuck them.
...last 4 paragraphs....this is going to be a very hot topic the next week's.

"In his essay “Black Reconstruction in America, 1860-1880,” W.E.B. Du Bois discussed why poor whites didn’t make common cause with poor blacks and slaves but instead prized their roles as overseers and slave catchers, eagerly joining the Klan. This fed the white man’s “vanity because it associated him with the masters,” Du Bois wrote.

He continued:

“Slavery bred in the poor white a dislike of Negro toil of all sorts. He never regarded himself as a laborer, or as part of any labor movement. If he had any ambition at all it was to become a planter and to own ‘ni÷:%*&s.’ {I edited this}, To these Negroes he transferred all the dislike and hatred which he had for the whole slave system. The result was that the system was held stable and intact by the poor white.”

For white supremacy to be made perfect, the lowest white man must be exalted above those who are black.

No matter how much of an embarrassment and a failure Trump proves to be, his exploits must be judged a success. He must be deemed a correction to Barack Obama and a superior choice to Hillary Clinton. White supremacy demands it. Patriarchy demands it. Trump’s supporters demand it." NYT today - Democratic Underground&txt=Tweet

Well ... that explains all the White Anxiety

On balance, I agree with the premise.

America has never come to terms with it's four centuries of slavery and Jim Crow.
To some extent, we continue to live in denial.

Politics is about race more than we care to admit, IMO.
White conservatives are adept at selling the myth that black people are no-good layabouts, who vote to get "free stuff", routinely commit voter fraud, and simply can not be trusted as legitimate partners in a voting electorate.... That they should not be trusted with their hands of the levers of democratic institutions.

This is the secret sauce that hold the modern conservative coalition together. You do not have to make the observation that at least a quarter of the rightiwng posters on are degenerate, unrepentant, full blown racists to reach this conclusion.

There is still a lot of racial resentment out there....and until the United States starts talking about it honestly, confronting it, then racial resentment will always be the malignant under current flowing through our body politic.
On balance, I agree with the premise.

America has never come to terms with it's four centuries of slavery and Jim Crow.
To some extent, we continue to live in denial.

Politics is about race more than we care to admit, IMO.
White conservatives are adept at selling the myth that black people are no-good layabouts, who vote to get "free stuff", routinely commit voter fraud, and simply can not be trusted as legitimate partners in a voting electorate.... That they should not be trusted with their hands of the levers of democratic institutions.

This is the secret sauce that hold the modern conservative coalition together. You do not have to make the observation that at least a quarter of the rightiwng posters on are degenerate, unrepentant, full blown racists to reach this conclusion.

There is still a lot of racial resentment out there....and until the United States starts talking about it honestly, confronting it, then racial resentment will always be the malignant under current flowing through our body politic.


But think about it, a lot people unfamiliar with Chicago don't know, that Red-Lining and Housing Segregation was still going on into the 1970's. People my complain about the Gang Violence and Murder Rates there, but until 35 - 40 years ago, Black Families where steered away from better housing for their families. It wasn't until the Federal Government stepped in, that Good Families wanting a better life and Schooling for their kids was possible.

We reap what we sow, and the chickens have come home to roost.

But think about it, a lot people unfamiliar with Chicago don't know, that Red-Lining and Housing Segregation was still going on into the 1970's. People my complain about the Gang Violence and Murder Rates there, but until 35 - 40 years ago, Black Families where steered away from better housing for their families. It wasn't until the Federal Government stepped in, that Good Families wanting a better life and Schooling for their kids was possible.

We reap what we sow, and the chickens have come home to roost.

Interesting that today many of those same zoning and land use laws are being used in our cities under the guise of restricting development yet are having much the same effect.
Give that man a Cigar....


Lemme guess, another refugee from that SHITHOLE known as tPF, and the redneck asshole mods over there, amiright?

I think we have a few others here from that wretched dump, too.

Yours truly! Nothing but an over-moderated bunch of pussies there.
No matter how much of an embarrassment and a failure Trump proves to be, his exploits must be judged a success. He must be deemed a correction to Barack Obama and a superior choice to Hillary Clinton.
He's an over-correction to Obama's socialist policies and yes, he was a superior choice to hrc, I agree with that. Anybody would've been.
But I also think GWB was an over-correction to BJ Clinton, Obama an over-correction to GWB, so we keep getting more and more extreme over-corrections.
In today's hyper-partisanship climate I don't see any rational choice coming anytime soon.
I see another over-correction coming. Oprah?
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He's an over-correction to Obama's socialist policies and yes, he was a superior choice to hrc, I agree with that. Anybody would've been.
But I also think GWB was an over-correction to BJ Clinton, Obama an over-correction to GWB, so we keep getting more and more extreme over-corrections.
In today's hyper-partisanship climate I don't see any rational choice coming anytime soon.

Soon we'll settle for a President who won't get arrested