Charlie Kirk: Was Trump's 2016 election a tremor, a quake or an aftershock?

Was Trump's 2016 election a tremor, a quake or an aftershock?

  • Earthquake

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Aftershock

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Something else

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other (Explain)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Was Trump's 2016 election a tremor, a quake or an aftershock?

Tucker Carlson Tonight 6/7/21 FULL | FOX BREAKING NEWS June 7, 2021 (33:29)

Charlie Kirk segment starts @ 28:20.

Quoted question is @31:41.

Charlie Kirk is pretty sharp.
A Republican won the mayoral race in McAllen recently. It went for Crooked Hillary by 40 points and Quid Pro Joe by 17. Clearly the residents are not enamored with the radical leftist policies that have come to define Democrats lately. Douchebag Donald probably helped push the party off the cliff simply by existing.
Tremor. It was one of those small quakes before the major one. I don't think Trump was "The Guy." He definitely was elected as a pushback against Obama's lurch to the Left that would have gained more momentum with the Hildabeast getting elected. Joke Biden and the Cackling Harlot are cruising towards a major shipwreck come 2022 as it stands right now. I don't know who the Republicans will run in 2024, but by then it's likely--very likely-- that the Democrats will have fucked things up sufficiently that they couldn't get elected dogcatcher.
Tremor. It was one of those small quakes before the major one. I don't think Trump was "The Guy." He definitely was elected as a pushback against Obama's lurch to the Left that would have gained more momentum with the Hildabeast getting elected. Joke Biden and the Cackling Harlot are cruising towards a major shipwreck come 2022 as it stands right now. I don't know who the Republicans will run in 2024, but by then it's likely--very likely-- that the Democrats will have fucked things up sufficiently that they couldn't get elected dogcatcher.

I think we will begin to see more news about Sen. Joe Manchin (D - WVa)