Charver, remind me not to say anything like this next time I'm in the UK



David Cameron criticised over World War II history slip

David Cameron: "We were the junior partner in 1940"
David Cameron has been criticised after mistakenly saying the UK was the "junior partner" in the allied World War II fight against Germany in 1940.

He made the historical slip, neglecting the fact that the US had yet to enter the war, on the second day of his first trip to the US as prime minister.

Labour's David Miliband called it a "slight", while a veterans' group said it could "alienate" former troops.

Mr Cameron referred to the situation in 1940 during an interview with Sky News in which he was asked about the changing nature of the "special relationship" with the US and his meeting with President Obama on Tuesday.

'High regard'
"I think it is important in life to speak as it is and the fact is that we are a very effective partner of the US but we are the junior partner," he said.

"We were the junior partner in 1940 when we were fighting the Nazis."

However, the US officially declared war on Germany on 11 December 1941, shortly after Hitler launched hostilities against the US and four days after the Pearl Harbor attacks which drew the US into conflict with Japan.

This was probably a slip of the tongue rather than a considered opinion”

The US had been supplying the UK with war materials for the previous nine months.

Asked about his remarks, No 10 said Mr Cameron had been referring to the "current relationship between the UK and the US".

"He holds the armed forces in a very high regard," a spokeswoman said.

'Stood alone'
Mr Miliband, the shadow foreign secretary, said the prime minister's comments had been misguided.

He said: "1940 was our finest hour. Millions of Britons stood up and gave their lives to defeat fascism.

"We were not a junior partner. We stood alone against the Nazis. How can a British prime minister who bangs on about British history get that so wrong? It is a slight, not a slip."

Terry Burton, president of the Association for Veterans of Foreign Wars, said Mr Cameron's comments were "rather inappropriate".

"It is going to alienate a lot of veterans. He should consider his words more carefully. The UK had been fighting the war a long time before Pearl Harbor," he said.

BBC political correspondent Vicki Young said the "pretty controversial comments" were a reflection of Mr Cameron's strategy to ease the fixation on the concept of the special relationship between the UK and US.

"He was trying to be realistic about Britain's position in the world, but it does seem to have backfired in this case," she said.

Before leaving Washington DC for New York, Mr Cameron laid a wreath at the US military's Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.
I'm seriously just wondering how the UK was ever the junior partner? Maybe in the war against Japan. In Europe, hell no. If we judge things based on the amount of lives given, the Soviets have us both beat by a mile, and Britain comes in second.
I'm seriously just wondering how the UK was ever the junior partner? Maybe in the war against Japan. In Europe, hell no. If we judge things based on the amount of lives given, the Soviets have us both beat by a mile, and Britain comes in second.

I believe that he made a simple mistake intending to say the 1940s rather than 1940, nonetheless he has had some serious flak over here from it. It is also worth repeating that over 90% of Germans were killed by the Soviet forces, an unpalatable fact for many even to this day.

At the time of the Normandy landings, there were 40 German divisions facing the Allies, whilst there were 140 divisions on the Eastern Front. Operation Overlord couldn't have happened if the Russians had been defeated by the Germans.
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I believe that he made a simple mistake intending to say the 1940s rather than 1940, nonetheless he has had some serious flak over here from it. It is also worth repeating that over 90% of Germans were killed by the Soviet forces, an unpalatable fact for many even to this day.

At the time of the Normandy landings, there were 40 German divisions facing the Allies, whilst there were 140 divisions on the Eastern Front. Operation Overlord couldn't have happened if the Russians had been defeated by the Germans.
In the same regard the Soviet offensive wouldn't have happened without Operation Torch in North Africa. Stalin was rather adamant about the need for a western offensive to take pressure of the eastern front. He made several rather offensive comments towards Churchill during the defense of Stalingrad because of the inability to launch a mainland invasion.
So you're gay, that's what I figured. Not that there's any problem with that.
You certainly seem to think so, otherwise you wouldn't try and use it as an insult. Not that anything you say matters, because in reality you're a pencil necked bitch who would cross the street to avoid a mean look from anyone.
If Capt were gay, he'd tell you, and he wouldn't give a fuck what you thought about it. Calling him gay isn't an insult, it's just inaccurate.
I believe that he made a simple mistake intending to say the 1940s rather than 1940, nonetheless he has had some serious flak over here from it. It is also worth repeating that over 90% of Germans were killed by the Soviet forces, an unpalatable fact for many even to this day.

At the time of the Normandy landings, there were 40 German divisions facing the Allies, whilst there were 140 divisions on the Eastern Front. Operation Overlord couldn't have happened if the Russians had been defeated by the Germans.

Gotta hand it to the Ruskies. That is a lot of dead Germans!! :cof1:
You certainly seem to think so, otherwise you wouldn't try and use it as an insult. Not that anything you say matters, because in reality you're a pencil necked bitch who would cross the street to avoid a mean look from anyone.
I'm not using it as an insult. To you its normal moral natural and healthy, so to call you gay would be like calling you normal moral natural and healthy. How is that an insult?
I prefer the WWI term Huns, more befitting the Germans war-like nature and general stockiness.

Gerries was an almost exclusively British expression. We generally referred to them as Krauts, or simply Nazi Bastards. While Huns was certainly a more WWI term (used by Americans), there were still people who used it during WWII, such as Patton, who would refer to the "Hun Bastards," probably because he was from an older generation and had served, like Ike and MacArthur, in WWI...