Cheapest apartment in Arlington

WM, you should move to Arlington, WA. There's probably contractor work you could get through the Navy at either Everett or Whidbey.
I hate interviews.

You hate everything except Japanese Anime Porn.

You can't even link to an actual real estate or rental site where you live.

You seem to have become more and more retarded lately. I can't believe I actually stuck up for you at many points in your life.

Get help or get a job where you can suck on slurpees all day or stfu. You're lucky to have what you have, you little snot.
When I was going to school, I paid premium (always) to live within walking distance. But when I graduated, such is not the case. But, you're also making more money and can afford to spend less to live a bit further away. It sucks. It is time, but if you want to spend more to live closer, then spend it and stop whining.
Arlington, WA
My son and daughter in law are flying to NYC and then to Boston this weekend. Amazingly she managed to get a visa from the US embassy in London at short notice. The interview took all of about three minutes yet they charged $160 for the privilege.

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