Check the Science

the science in that article seems sparse. Parts of it seemed to still be based on speculation.

I agree with you that there is much we have yet to discover.
the science in that article seems sparse. Parts of it seemed to still be based on speculation.

I agree with you that there is much we have yet to discover.

The science in the article is sparse, but it was just to let doubters know it isn't a choice and to educate themselves on the science.
I think the jury is still out on that. Seems far from conclusive. Some evidence might point in that direction but it seems far from a certain, done deal.
Stop being unnecessarily defensive rana, look at the actual words I say, and stop reading into what I am saying words that aren't actually there.

But, I know for damn sure that biology is a big part of it,

There is evidence to suggest that increased levels of gender dysphoria (i.e., the variance between gender identity and chromosomal sex) may result from developmental exposure to abnormal hormone environments, especially increased levels of androgens in XX fetuses that can occur in conditions such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Anecdotally, my neuroscience colleague Ben Barres has suggested that prenatal exposure to testosterone-like drugs may explain his own transgender identity.

In humans, care must always be taken relating correlation to causation. Differences in brain structures may reflect mutual interactions among innate brain processes, expressed gender roles and society’s response to those actions.

The article in question raises issues, but it's far from a done deal as far as science is concerned. Your OP is making the statement that "science says this." The fact is, it doesn't. Not conclusively. We don't know yet. It's an area that requires further study.
Stop being unnecessarily defensive rana, look at the actual words I say, and stop reading into what I am saying words that aren't actually there.

The article in question raises issues, but it's far from a done deal as far as science is concerned. Your OP is making the statement that "science says this." The fact is, it doesn't. Not conclusively. We don't know yet. It's an area that requires further study.
No, the science is settled that it isn't a choice, now they just have to discover the rest of the story.
You're not exactly being clear here. Are you saying that the science isn't clear that gender identity is biological or not a choice or that it isn't genetically determined?