
Rick Malinowski's long and detailed article also suggest the notion of a 2 or 3 part piggy back element to the chemtrail sprayings. My own suspicions are that these sprayings are intended for multiple purposes including low level population reduction (see NWO Population Control), mind control and/or tracking, and to foster weakness and apathy among the general population in anticipation of the New World Order takeover agenda which will likely include the imposition of martial law (a sickly population is a lot more controllable and compliant than a healthy, vigorous one).
Seriously you are like the least funny person on the Internet.

You just say shit that makes no sense and expect it to be humorous to others because it plays to your own ignorance.
Seriously you are like the least funny person on the Internet.

You just say shit that makes no sense and expect it to be humorous to others because it plays to your own ignorance.

at least I get you posting. Most of your posts are Hatin me posts.
But what the heck it keeps Damos post numbers up.

btw it was not funny it is pretty sad actually.
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Rick Malinowski's long and detailed article also suggest the notion of a 2 or 3 part piggy back element to the chemtrail sprayings. My own suspicions are that these sprayings are intended for multiple purposes including low level population reduction (see NWO Population Control), mind control and/or tracking, and to foster weakness and apathy among the general population in anticipation of the New World Order takeover agenda which will likely include the imposition of martial law (a sickly population is a lot more controllable and compliant than a healthy, vigorous one).

Hilarious, huh?

Reports such as this play right on some people's fears, to the extent that they're almost afraid not to believe them, just in case ...

And if you are going to do something like that who would believe it?
The perfect true consipracy.

Kinda like that old conspiracy back in the late 90's about George W. Bush becoming president.
Reports such as this play right on some people's fears, to the extent that they're almost afraid not to believe them, just in case ...

Brian Dunning made a skeptoid about this issue once. A lot of believers think that they are actually the skeptics, not taking "the blue pill", not believing "this crap your fed".

The difference is, I have an open mind about things for which there is evidence for. They have an open-mind about things for which there is no evidence for and a closed mind about things for which there is evidence for.
the chem trails are a big topic on DUunderground...and they are certain it is just have to shake your head and chuckle. some liberals by into any conspiracy, they are so gullible.