Cheney Says "that's Bullshit" to Bob Woodward, then Hangs Up


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On the October 8 edition of Meet the Press, Bob Woodward told Tim Russert that the Vice-President called him and used an expletive. Woodward's book State of Denial has caused some controversy lately, for being critical of the Bush Administration and the Iraq war.

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Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna hang up on you first. So there!

Bobby was always their friend until he switched to critical mode and how he's persona non grata. And now everything he says is "bullshit" taken out of contest and misrepresentation. Seems Cheney didn't like him saying that Kissenger is advising Bush. But Woodward maintains the conversation waas on the record. Cheney evidently wants Bush to get full credit for this mess all by himself. Or maybe they think this feeds the mostly right wing fanatics who think and maintain that the Jews run the country. When in fact we all know that Kissenger is nothing but a high paid messenger for the Rockefeller foundation.

I think the incident just shows how far into "denial" this administration is. By this time, it should be apparent that they need a few scapegoats to hang all their missteps on, and who better than Henry Kissenger, the man responsible for widening the Vietnam War into a Southeast Asian War, without telling anyone, of course, especially the American people. It seems rather obvious now that everything Bush has been doing is being directed by the same people who brought us some of the darkest days in the history of American Espionage. And of course don't forget, Richard Armitage, one of the masterminds behind the great Sandinista, Contra war and its many ramifications, who somehow let Valerie Plame's name slip to Robert Novak totally by accident. Even though he had refused to talk to Novak for 28 years, the first time in 28 years that he did he let the name of a CIA operative whose actions had maddened nearly everyone in the administration slip out just by accident. It was so Freudian, and so unconscious...And of course he apologized as soon as it happened. "I don't know what came over me, I didn't even know who she was. And I no longer wanted any war let alone this war." And blah blah blah...'It wasn't me."
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