Chernobyl HBO

Isn't it strange that the two most notable nuclear disasters were located in places with names that phonetically sound like English phrases?

Chernobyl = Share noble.
Fukushima = Fuck you, shigh ma!

As though the Earth was telling us that if you share noble people or tell your shigh ma "Fuck you!", nuclear things happen.
Another fun fact about Fukushima is what I experienced in the days before and leading up to the day of the disaster. For quite some time, about a month before Fukushima, there was this sorry sad guy wandering around the streets of L.A. with a guitar and the only only words he sang in a sad sorry voice were "Fuck you!" and then the same day of Fulushima I saw a fleet of UFOs that looked like this Simon game, except they were silvery white.
And then when I found out about Fukushima it was in front of the CNN building on the multiple tv display they got in the outside smoking area. There was this old black guy in a wheel chair who looked at me and one his eyes was glowing in the center of the pupil with a sharp laser light.

Stranger than fiction.

I couldn't look him in the eyes because the laser thing in his eyeball would give me an instant headache. I was quite rattled from that experience.