Childish law names


For quite a few years I've become increasingly annoyed at the use of sensationalist, childish names as titles of laws. Tradition has always been that we use the most boring names thinkable. I guess this started to change in the 90's, when get tough fanatics started naming their laws after victims in order to goad people into an emotional rather than logical approach to law. As if reducing crime victims to political bargaining chips wasn't enough, in the 00's, we get anti-terrorist legislation named "The PATRIOT Act". What, if I don't vote for this I'm not a PATRIOT? Jesus Christ. Now, the Republicans have really taken the cake:

"Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act"

Why don't we pass the "Republicans are Doo-Doo Head Act"? Or the "Anyone who Doesn't Vote for this is a Pedophile act" (which abolishes the death penalty)? I do believe we have reached an all time low for civic discourse in America.
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and of course you see the all time low as the sole fault of the republicans

it takes two to tango, it takes two to make everything least that is that is what rob base taught me
For quite a few years I've become increasingly annoyed at the use of sensationalist, childish names as titles of laws. Tradition has always been that we use the most boring names thinkable. I guess this started to change in the 90's, when get tough fanatics started naming their laws after victims in order to goad people into an emotional rather than logical approach to law. As if reducing crime victims to political bargaining chips wasn't enough, in the 00's, we get anti-terrorist legislation named "The PATRIOT Act". What, if I don't vote for this I'm not a PATRIOT? Jesus Christ. Now, the Republicans have really taken the cake:

"Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act"

Why don't we pass the "Republicans are Doo-Doo Head Act"? Or the "Anyone who Doesn't Vote for this is a Pedophile act" (which abolishes the death penalty)? I do believe we have reached an all time low for civic discourse in America.

In this case I think the title does a lot to inform people on how the Repubs view medical care. It's not about the quality of medical care. It's not about the people who require medical care. It's about the money people make off of medical care.

Let's hope a Dem Rep mentions that during the discussions.
and of course you see the all time low as the sole fault of the republicans

it takes two to tango, it takes two to make everything least that is that is what rob base taught me

and it take a single man with a vision to lead you out of the corrupt, lying shithole created by George Wanker Bush.
and of course you see the all time low as the sole fault of the republicans

it takes two to tango, it takes two to make everything least that is that is what rob base taught me

Well, actually, the names of Democratic laws are still pretty boring. For instance: the Affordable Health Care for America Act. Maybe it's a little bit loaded, but it's still dry and non-sensationalist.

Alan Grayson was pretty famous for making laws with sensationalist names, but he was never in the leadership.