APP - children below the poverty line

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
one in 5 children live in a family below the federal poverty line

approximately 500,000 live in a homeless family

where is the safety net

lack of local and state revenue and the politicians has put holes in the safety net that you could drive a big truck through
Can we blame Obama for this? Or should we stick with blaming republicans? Well, shit, we could blame tea party members for this. Or how about Ayn Rand? It's got to be the free market that's to blame for this. Am I getting close?
What's the point of your post? Do you have some solutions? Or is it just the cause de jour?

the solution should be obvious,but for you i will expand it

local and state governments need to face the facts, children need to be a first priority for government money

maybe it needs to rise to the federal level, but children need to be our nations top priority, they are our future
the solution should be obvious,but for you i will expand it

local and state governments need to face the facts, children need to be a first priority for government money

maybe it needs to rise to the federal level, but children need to be our nations top priority, they are our future

LOL read my thread about the cheating teachers. You got nothing to say, mr windmills?
you refer to the windmills in my mind

actually, you prove my point, we also need better teachers
actually, you need to get rid of teacher unions and then fire the shitty teachers. I got my education when teachers still had to perform. Plus i know how learn. Teach kids they can learn without needing someone to hold their hands and they'll learn much faster. You don't need some ghetto trash teacher cheating on placement tests to learn any subject