Children 'ruining' visits to pubs

This is what the WOC is all about. Ensuring that drinking is unperturbed by the grating sounds of children gone amuck.
yeah I have the same problem with kids in restaruants sometimes. Parents just let their kids run amock.

their kids are supposed to be their problem not mine.

Had a kid grabbing food off of my plate one time. I told the partents to control him and they just glared at me. I whacked the kid with a spoon and they went ballistic. I asked them if the kid had his rabies shots, If not he would have to be kept in a kennel till the test results came back.
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Parents who take their kids to bars should be dragged outside and shot. Then a game of darts should ensue. First one to hit the kid between the eyes wins!

yeah I have the same problem with kids in restaruants sometimes. Parents just let their kids run amock.

their kids are supposed to be their problem not mine.

Had a kid grabbing food off of my plate one time. I told the partents to control him and they just glared at me. I whacked the kid with a spoon and they went ballistic. I asked them if the kid had his rabies shots, If not he would have to be kept in a kennel till the test results came back.

Gawd I love USC.
yeah I have the same problem with kids in restaruants sometimes. Parents just let their kids run amock.

their kids are supposed to be their problem not mine.

Had a kid grabbing food off of my plate one time. I told the partents to control him and they just glared at me. I whacked the kid with a spoon and they went ballistic. I asked them if the kid had his rabies shots, If not he would have to be kept in a kennel till the test results came back.

You are Tony Soprano and i claim my $5.
yeah I have the same problem with kids in restaruants sometimes. Parents just let their kids run amock.

their kids are supposed to be their problem not mine.

Had a kid grabbing food off of my plate one time. I told the partents to control him and they just glared at me. I whacked the kid with a spoon and they went ballistic. I asked them if the kid had his rabies shots, If not he would have to be kept in a kennel till the test results came back.

Good story, but you know you are lucky, had the parents been Liberals it's a good chance they would try and charge you with child abuse, based on what I've seen on this forum.
Good story, but you know you are lucky, had the parents been Liberals it's a good chance they would try and charge you with child abuse, based on what I've seen on this forum.

It WAS child abuse. USC child-abusing behavior is simply inexcusable and I can't believe you people are condoning it. If USC had barbarically abused my child like I would've put the old man out of his misery. I am, frankly, amazed at the parents contraint, and attribute it mostly to USC's advanced age that he's still alive after going over and abusing someone elses child.
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