China building fence and inspecting NK cargo.


Villified User
I just read about these items a while ago. Apparently china is inspecting cargoes bound for North Korea, and is building a border fence...Hmmmm
I think China is afraid of Japan. They hope they don't go nuke. China isn't worried about the US, they are scared shitless about Japan. They have a long history of getting their asses kicked by the japs.
They are in bed deeply businesswise with the Japanese. It is about money power now not bombs with China and Japan.
Ohh, yes they sure are, if we embargoed them the shelves would be bare for Christmas :)
I guess that could be one reason they are not on the axis of evil list :)
Sure that is one reason, nothing wrong with economic ties is there? Wouldn't that be a good thing? And as far as I know they haven't called for our destruction like Iran,Iraq and NK have.
So you are supporting Iran over the US?

Toby, this is a fallacy you use a lot.

If you state OBL is made entirely of human sewerage, and I say 'well, actually, he's not, he's a human', that isn't defending OBL.

If you accept that foreign policy has affected Iranian perspectives of the west that doesn't mean that you are applying for Iranian citizenship.
So you are supporting Iran over the US?

Toby .. I think a better response is ... Do we have good reason to hate Iran? According to Liberals....everyone is justified in hating us... but at the same time we are obligated to save eveyone's butts .. because after all...we are the big bad wealthy Yankees ...the Evil Empire with a heart of gold .....

Its like the Cops... people bitch about them all the time... but if they are in need of help ....what would be the first phone call they would make?
but at the same time we are obligated to save eveyone's butts .. because after all...we are the big bad wealthy Yankees ...the Evil Empire with a heart of gold .....

Klaatu, such mock self pity isn't becoming.

All nations contribute to aid, I'm sure if you calculate the EU's contribution to world aid it is as big as the US.

The US is disliked because it considers its 'strategic interests' (ie economic interests) over all other factors. It has an Arden Pyle attitude to foreign policy (see Graham Greene's The Quiet American) which causes fuckup after fuckup.